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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chupacabra. Ukraine

ID #1638975837
Added Wed, 08/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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The Chupacabra appeared in the Carpathian region. A mysterious beast has taken charge of the village of Golyn today, this is the Ivano-Frankivsk region. A dozen rabbits were brutally strangled at night. The owners have no doubt: it was the Chupacabra that operated. Moreover, this is not the first case in the Carpathian region. Olga Vykhovanskaya will continue.

Olga Vykhovanskaya, correspondent:

— In the village of Golyn, they heard about a mystical creature that destroys pets except on TV. But today, an unprecedented beast has deprived not all the living creatures of the owners of this yard.

The Paraschak family has been breeding rabbits for several years. The animals are carefully cared for, vaccinated. But in one night, the one-year-old fattened eared ones were gone.

Lesya Paraschak, a resident of the village of Golyn:

- Priyshov cholovik I every time: we have a new Year's eve on the Chupacabra podvir. I seem to be a fool, hot chi sho? And vin every man - well, come on, marvel!

My husband came and told me: we already had a Chupacabra in the yard today. I say-sho you're stupid, are you kidding chi sho? And he says to me-Well, go and look!

The woman found the corpses of nine rabbits in the garden and at the cages. They were always well locked, says the hostess. But this did not stop the unknown beast. The carcasses of the rabbits are whole, the beast only sucked the blood of the animals. The cells have traces of it. A neighbor of the Parashchak family says she heard strange noises around midnight.

Nadezhda Lyakhovich, a neighbor:

- Tse yakis nezvichayny squeak buv. I've had a good look and I've forgotten. Ale I didn't turn the uvaga. Hto bi about so thinking? Nihto!

It was some kind of unusual squeak. I looked around and ran in. But I didn't pay attention. Who would have thought of that? Nobody!

The owners say that their dog Lyme of Caucasian breed also behaves very strangely. She didn't make a sound at night. He doesn't show up from his booth today. A similar story can be told by a resident of the neighboring district — Nikolay Telyuk. Six months ago, an unknown animal "took over" his farmstead - killed almost fifty chickens and nutria, and even bit a dog.

The Chupacabra did not return again, but the unknown beast kept almost the entire village in fear. Veterinarian Andrey Shozda, who then examined the slaughtered animals, says he saw this for the first time.

Andrey Shozda, doctor of the veterinary hospital of the village of Yamnitsa:

- So vrazhennya, sho voni wanted to profit from the blood I vso. 50 tvarin znerukhomiti i znekroviti, tse duzhe bagato chas treba.

It seems that they wanted to profit by blood and that's it. It takes a lot of time to immobilize and exsanguinate 50 animals.

At our request, the veterinarian also examines the victims of this night. Whether the Chupacabra did it - the expert does not undertake to assert. After all, until now, no one has seen the beast, the stories about which are overgrown with new details.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Mustelids are mammals of the family Carnivora

Most often it is the antics of a ferret on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries are victims of the Chupacabra.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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