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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1679562201
Added Thu, 23/03/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лоди, Вудленд, Санта-Роза, CA
United States

Three different videos from eyewitnesses about the observation of completely identical UFOs. All on the same night, all from different cities in California.

Original news

Date of all sighting: March 17, 2023
Locations of sighting: 

1. Lodi, California, USA

2. Woodland, California, USA

3. Santa Rosa, California, USA

Source: MUFON

Guys check out these three different eyewitness videos below. Each on the same night, each from a different city in California. One eyewitness even scares the kids when he ask if this is the end of the world? What ever is happening here, NASA didn't give us any heads up of this event. So its probably not a passing meteor or comet. They would have known and alerted the public. These are UFOs, they are traveling horizontal across the sky. If they were meteors, gravity would be pulling the downward, but they are not even close to falling. They were much too slow to be meteors. Absolute proof of UFOs over California this week!

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Space debris

By space junk refers to all manmade objects and their fragments in space, which is already faulty, not functioning, and will never be able to serve any useful purpose. Currently in low earth orbits up to altitudes of about 2000 km is, according to various estimates, about 220 thousand (300 thousand according to the UN office for outer space Affairs, October 2009) man-made objects weighing up to 5000 tons.
In the case of UFOs, it is possible to expand this list lost cosmonauts things (tools, etc.).


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Xichang Space Center (Songlin), Sichuan (China) Vehicle: CZ-3B/G3 Payload: Gaofen 13-02 (GF 13-02)
  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: Starlink v1.5 G2-8-1 (Starlink 5856) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-2 (Starlink 5859) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-3 (Starlink 5796) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-4 (Starlink 5855) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-5 (Starlink 5867) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-6 (Starlink 5871) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-7 (Starlink 5862) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-8 (Starlink 5861) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-9 (Starlink 5863) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-10 (Starlink 5854) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-11 (Starlink 5849) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-12 (Starlink 5922) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-13 (Starlink 5921) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-14 (Starlink 5919) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-15 (Starlink 5930) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-16 (Starlink 5898) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-17 (Starlink 5896) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-18 (Starlink 5897) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-19 (Starlink 5848) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-20 (Starlink 5852) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-21 (Starlink 5927) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-22 (Starlink 5920) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-23 (Starlink 5882) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-24 (Starlink 5913) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-25 (Starlink 5909) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-26 (Starlink 5918) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-27 (Starlink 5864) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-28 (Starlink 5914) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-29 (Starlink 5917) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-30 (Starlink 5932) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-31 (Starlink 5926) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-32 (Starlink 5925) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-33 (Starlink 5857) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-34 (Starlink 5851) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-35 (Starlink 5900) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-36 (Starlink 5899) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-37 (Starlink 5911) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-38 (Starlink 5908) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-39 (Starlink 5893) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-40 (Starlink 5889) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-41 (Starlink 5892) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-42 (Starlink 5878) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-43 (Starlink 5883) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-44 (Starlink 5884) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-45 (Starlink 5928) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-46 (Starlink 5929) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-47 (Starlink 5938) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-48 (Starlink 5933) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-49 (Starlink 5906) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-50 (Starlink 5924) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-51 (Starlink 5895) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-52 (Starlink 5894) Starlink v1.5 G2-8-1, ..., G2-8-52
  • Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: SES 18 SES 19


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

News: Space debris from the ISS almost fell on the heads of Californians

The sky over Northern California recently lit up with streaks of fire. The astonishing sight caused equally bewilderment, surprise and new conspiracy theories.

Experts said that the phenomenon was caused by the fall of flaming space debris into the Earth's atmosphere.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Space debris

By space junk refers to all manmade objects and their fragments in space, which is already faulty, not functioning, and will never be able to serve any useful purpose. Currently in low earth orbits up to altitudes of about 2000 km is, according to various estimates, about 220 thousand (300 thousand according to the UN office for outer space Affairs, October 2009) man-made objects weighing up to 5000 tons.
In the case of UFOs, it is possible to expand this list lost cosmonauts things (tools, etc.).

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