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La famille du vourdalak


Added Thu, 07/09/2017
Release date
Original title
La famille du vourdalak

This Gothic Novella of count Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was written in 1839 in the French language. In Russian first published in the magazine "Russian Herald" in 1884, after the death of the author. In Russian language it translated Boleslav Markevich.

Novella is a story on behalf of the Marquis de'urfe, who allegedly personally witnessed the incident.

He tells how, having gone on a diplomatic mission, stopped for the night in one Serbian village in the house of the old man're hot. Garcia with other men from the village went to the mountains to catch a thief-Turk Alibek. Children he ordered to wait for him ten days, and if he's not back in ten days, then consider him dead, and asked to order a mass for the repose of his soul. However, if suddenly he will return after the expiration of this period, the path his children will drive this stake through his back, because that would mean that he came to kill them in the image of the vampire.

Garcia returned home by the evening of the tenth day, and his sons begin to argue: George suspects that his father became a vampire, and Peter, on the contrary, believes that the father remained the same. Himself Garca changed. His face was very pale, almost white, he does not want to eat and sleep. In the night the old man's grandson steals from the house, closing the door from the outside. The Marquis de'urfe wakes brothers who knock the door and find the boy unconscious. Garcia walks near the house. After the son of George dies under mysterious circumstances, the eldest son with a stake chases the father to the forest. After returning he asked the guest to leave, and de'urfe decides to continue in Moldova.

Six months later, returning, the Marquis arrives in the village where he is told that the family of man're hot is now dead. It turned out that after the departure of de'urfe in the house returned Garcia. He refused to cross himself and pray despite the requirement of the son. George went looking for a stake that was hidden, took it from the younger son and left. In the evening he returned, pale and disheveled.

The Marquis does not believe and it is written come to the house. Told is true, and he miraculously escapes, driving his horse to death.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: A vampire

In the present work a family of vampires. About who these vampires are, at the very beginning tells de'urfe:

Here it will be necessary to say to you, gracious ladies, vampires, what are the names of the Slavic peoples vampires, nothing in the view of local residents as the dead out of graves to suck the blood of living people. They have the same habits that all the other vampires, but there is a feature that makes them even more dangerous. Ghouls, merciful Empress, preferably sucking the blood from the closest relatives and his best friends, and those, when you die, you also become vampires, so the words of the witnesses even say that in Bosnia and Herzegovina the population of entire villages were turned into ghouls. In a curious work on the haunted Abbot Augustin Calma leads to horrific examples. The German emperors repeatedly appointed a Commission to investigate cases of vampirism. Was made interviews, have been removed from their graves the corpses, bloodshot, and they were burned in the squares, but first pierced their hearts. Court officials, who were present at the executions, I assure you that they themselves heard the howling of the corpses at the moment when the executioner hammered them in the chest with a wooden stake They gave testimony about this throughout the form and bonded by their oath and signature.

That is, in this novel vampires are presented as a typical vampire, and it can mislead experts terminology. The word "ghoul" in Ushakov's Explanatory dictionary has a value of "werewolf, browbeating people, vampire." In many works, the word "vampire" is synonymous with the term "werewolf", and in the sense of "vampire" and "vampire" began to be used not so long ago. The word itself appeared in the Russian language in the first half of the nineteenth century can be attributed to a number of the neologisms coined by writers and poets.

His appearance in the Russian language this word has the duty to A. S. Pushkin. He used distorted the basis of the word "werewolf" (a man turning into a wolf, werewolf) in 1835 poem from the cycle "Songs of the Western Slavs":

Coward was Ivan the poor:

Times he's late sometimes

Sweating with fear, pale,

Through the cemetery went home.

Poor Vanya barely breathes,

Stumbling a little stumbling

On the graves; suddenly he hears

Someone a bone, growling, biting.

Vanya began; — to step can.

God! thinks a poor man

This is true bone gnawing

Red mouth ghoul.


Woe! small I'm not strong;

Eat the ghoul I really,

If the land burial

I prayerfully eat.

What? instead of ghoul —

(You imagine joeís anger!)

In the darkness before him, the dog

On the grave gnawing the bone.

But back to the Novella "Family ghoul", in which the term is used in the sense of "vampire" or "vampire" repeatedly reminds the narrator:

I forgot to tell you, gracious ladies, that when the Serbs suspect someone a vampire, then avoid to call him by his name or mention him directly, because I think that so it can be called from the grave.

The narrator indicates that vampires do not believe, unlike the members of the family, which he stopped. They clearly believed that their father could return to him a ghoul.

Become a ghoul old Gorcha here describe as:

He was a tall man with a white moustache, with a face pale and strict; he moved with difficulty, leaning on a stick. [...] Coming up to us, the old man stopped and looked around at his family with a glance, as if seeing eyes — they were his dim and sunken. [...] Then I noticed that the old man's left side covered in blood.

Interestingly, the work indicated that animals react strangely to the old man.

Whether the dog accompanying the herd, did not recognize his old master, whether there was a different reason, but as soon as he caught sight taste bitter, came to a halt, bristled and started growling, as if he saw something.

This makes the reader even more to suspect him as a vampire, as it is believed that animals can sense them and react accordingly.

From that moment all begins to point to changing the essence of the head of the family:

Meanwhile, Zdenka prepared drink for the old man, boil the vodka with pears, with honey and with raisins, but it was with disgust pushed him away. Similarly, he rejected the dish with the risotto, which gave him George, and sat down near the hearth, muttering through his teeth something unintelligible.

Crackled pine wood, and the flickering glow of the fire fell on his face, so pale, that gaunt that if not for this coverage, it is possible to take over the face of the dead man.

[...] on his bloodless lips had something like a smile, though his eyes looked blankly [...] And he opened the sack that hung behind him, and pulled the bloody head, which, however, his own person could argue livid color of the skin!

Garcia refused to read the prayer and the sign of the cross, which speaks of his transformation.

In the description of the vampires in this work, in addition to appearance and smell, resembling the smell of real dead bodies, mentioned their superhuman strength and speed. So, in the scene with the chase Zdenka easily catches rushing with all the forces of horse, Garcia makes giant leaps with an aspen stake, while during the run they are easy to throw on a horse the little ghouls:

Garcia also remained behind. Then his daughter, dragging behind them their children, threw him one of the boys and he caught it on the tip of the stake. Acting the stake, as a sling, with all his strength, threw the child after me. I dodged out of the way, but the bastard grabbed — not worse than this bulldog in the neck of my horse, and I with difficulty tore him.

Since the product is called "Family ghoul" (i.e. the're hot), not hard to guess that he is not the only one transformed. The second is the eldest grandchild're hot, which then comes to my mother. Then turn to her youngest son and husband, the latter is his brother:

The old man Garcia still alive?

— No, he is buried in earnest and heart — count! But he Georgieva son sucked the blood. The boy and returned at night, crying at the door, he's, like, cold and I want to go home. The silly mother, though she herself was buried, not enough spirit to chase away the boy in the cemetery, she let him in. Then he attacked her and sucked out all her blood. When she was buried, she came back and sucked the blood from his youngest boy, then my husband and brother-in-law. All one-way.

The work stated that to kill the ghoul can only be pierced his chest with a wooden stake. It asks to do with him and he Horca, going on the hunt for the robber, if he's not back in ten days. This supposedly makes him his eldest son, when he realizes that he still became a vampire. However, this does not work, because the narrator, being in the house of vampires, sees taste bitter, who was killed by a stake to the chest and buried:

Then my eyes fell on the window, and I saw a terrible taste bitter, which was based on a bloody stick and stared at me with eyes like a hyena.

Church things repels vampires, which is clearly seen on the example of Zdenci:

It's been a while, as we were in such delightful proximity to each other, but now, having tried the Zdenka fun for all her jewelry, I was going to wear on her neck enamel cross, which is found on the table. Zdenka shuddered and recoiled.

— Cute, rather childish — she said, — leave the bling, let's talk about you and your business!

Her confusion led me to all sorts of thoughts. Carefully examining her, I noticed that the neck it was not, as before, all those obrazkov, of amulets, which the Serbs, in a great number are from childhood until death.

— Zdenka — I asked, — where are the icons that you wore around your neck?

— Lost, with irritation in her voice she answered and immediately started talking about something else.


The Zdenka I wrapped her hands with such force that from this movement that cross I showed you and which prior to my departure I gave the Duchess de Grammont, the point pierced my chest. The sharp pain I felt in that moment was for me as a beam of light, cutting across all around. I looked at Zdenka, and I realized that her features are still really great, distorted the death of flour, what her eyes see and her smile is only a spasm of agony on the face of the corpse. At the same moment I felt in the room the putrid smell of nepravomerno the crypt.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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