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This section contains information about the representation of phenomena in the entertainment industry: movies, cartoons, books, etc.

The Wolfman


Added Sun, 19/01/2020
Release date
Original title
The Wolfman

"The wolf man" (orig. "The Wolfman") is a remake of the classic film of 1941. The plot was significantly changed.

The Wolf Man


After his brother's death, Larry Talbot returns home to his father and the family estate. Events soon take a turn for the worse when Larry is bitten by a werewolf.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The story takes place in 1891. In the movie saved the basis of the plot of the original, in which Lawrence Talbot returns to the estate of the father immediately after the death (in the movie 1941, disappearance) of his brother. At the request of Gwen, his ex-girlfriend's brother, Talbot begins to hunt the killer, who turns out to be a werewolf, and the curse is transferred to him. It says the investigator Abberline, and eventually on his orders, Lawrence put in a mental institution for the insane.

After a while he comes to his father and confesses that he killed the mother and brother of Lawrence, and that he was a werewolf, bit him.

After some time, the Director of the hospital decides to prove to everyone (including Eberline) that in fact werewolves don't exist. It makes tied to a chair Lawrence poses in front of the window at the full moon, but, to his surprise, he becomes "the wolf man", kills him and many others, present at the experiment, and escapes. In the morning Lawrence comes to Gwen, and finds out about her feelings for him.

Escaping from the police, led by Berlinem, and wanting to avenge his father, Lawrence returns in Blackmore, transforms and kills the senior Talbot. After it comes to Gwen, and he's in the form of a monster trying to kill her. It appears Abberline and Gwen runs into the forest. Lawrence manages to bite Eberlein and chases after Gwen. When he catches up with her on the river Bank, she unsuccessfully tries to awaken memories of the feelings they have towards each other are experiencing. She shoots him with a silver bullet, and Lawrence dies, after death taking human form.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Werewolf

The film shows a few werewolves. The chronological first of these is a strange creature resembling a teenage boy living in a cave in the Hindu Kush mountains (India), where he finds sir John Talbot. Being attacked by an Englishman and bite him on the arm. Since then, John at the full moon turns into a creature that resembles both of man, wolf and bear. He called his disease a lycanthropy. The third werewolf is the son of John Lawrence Talbot, who is bitten by a father transformed the state. This obrazom, infected with lycanthropy can be, having survived the attack (and definitely bites) werewolf.

Werewolves turn into beasts, just when the night see the moon. Their body changes: the skin is covered with thick fur, grow fangs and claws, hands and feet transformed into animal paws. The human mind turns off, giving way to animal reflexes.

Werewolves are extremely power and speed. Even in human form they have increased regeneration of tissues.

To kill a werewolf can only be silver, for example silver bullet. Another effective method of killing is beheading.

After the death of the werewolf returns to human form.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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