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A 5-meter asteroid will get as close to Earth as possible

Added Wed, 25/01/2023
Дата публикации
Wed, 25/01/2023

Asteroid 2023 BU with a diameter of approximately 5-6 meters will fly close to our planet on January 26, said Russian astronomer G. Borisov. The scientist claims that the celestial body most likely does not pose a real threat, since it will pass at a distance of several thousand kilometers from our planet.

The astronomer noted that the size is also not critical, because the diameter of asteroids that may be dangerous is over 150 m.

According to the scientist, the celestial body is quite bright, so that residents of the Southern hemisphere will see it even with amateur telescopes.

Recently it was reported that the new moon, which took place on the night of January 22, was marked by an amazing event — the moon, orbiting around our planet, approached it at the closest possible distance since 1030. The next time it will happen in 345 years.

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