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Astronomythe Jan

Added Mon, 31/12/2018
Дата публикации
Mon, 31/12/2018

In early January, residents of Moscow will be able to observe the peak of a meteor shower, Quadrantids, and in the end — a total lunar Eclipse, reports TASS with reference to the website of the municipality.

Meteor shower Quadrantids active from December 28 to January 12. This season the peak of the meteor shower is expected the night on the following Friday, January 4th. Starfall is going to be one of the brightest in the coming year. According to forecasts, if the weather is clear on the sky with the naked eye you can see up to 120 meteors per hour.

Quadrantid the radiant is in the constellation of Bootes, but the flow is named in honor of the constellation of the Wall Quadrant, which is absent in modern astronomical the list, and its stars are related to the constellations of Bootes, the Dragon and Hercules.

Then two weeks later, on January 21, there will be a full lunar Eclipse, which will last from 06:34 to 09:51. Completely in shadow, the Moon will be at 08:12. Observers suggest to use a telescope or binoculars.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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