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Dates of lunar and solar eclipses in 2023

Added Wed, 30/11/2022
Дата публикации
Wed, 30/11/2022

The population of our planet will be able to observe such unique natural phenomena as solar and lunar eclipses in the coming year. Experts reported that people will see them from different points of the Earth, and also named the dates of these phenomena.

An eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon during which the shadow of one celestial body obscures the light from another.

In 2023, the first solar eclipse will occur on April 20, this phenomenon will differ in heterogeneity. At some points of our planet, the eclipse will be complete, but in others it will be possible to see a bright ring.

15 days later, on May 5, a lunar eclipse will occur, which experts call a penumbra, since the Moon will not disappear entirely. It can be observed in the central and western parts of Russia. In addition, Asians, Africans and Australians will be eyewitnesses.

The last eclipses — solar and lunar on October 14 and 23 — will be seen by residents of South and Central America.

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