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What is the "blood Moon" and how it saved the life of Christopher Columbus

Added Thu, 08/02/2024
Дата публикации
Thu, 08/02/2024

The moon becomes "bloody" when it is in a total lunar eclipse. At these moments, her appearance in the sky is truly fascinating, because usually the gray Moon turns red.

How red the moon looks during an eclipse depends on the pollution of the atmosphere. For example, if an eclipse occurs shortly after a volcanic eruption, the moon will be darker and redder than usual due to particles in the atmosphere.

How the Blood Moon saved Columbus

Christopher Columbus and his team ended up on the island that is now known as Jamaica. At first, the aborigines were friendly, but after a while Columbus's team killed several of them. Because of this, the local population, of course, did not seek to help the crew in search of food, and Columbus realized that famine was approaching.

Fortunately, the traveler had with him an almanac containing information about the next lunar eclipse. After taking them into service, Columbus told the native that the Christian god did not like the fact that the admiral and his crew did not receive food. God is supposedly angry and will make the moon red because of this.

When it really happened, the frightened people ran to the carriage, loaded with provisions, begging Columbus to intercede for them before his god.

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