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Due to abnormally warm weather over Moscow, mammatuses appeared

Added Fri, 09/10/2020
Дата публикации
Thu, 08/10/2020

The atmospheric front brought to Moscow the first rains since the beginning of October. Its narrow, elongated strip along the stream can be seen on the weather map.

The atmospheric front is "fed" by the moisture of the southern seas. A day ago, it shed heavy thunderstorms in Ukraine. In Kiev, 46 mm of precipitation fell in 12 hours.

In Moscow, the frontal section was marked by a light form of mammatus (mammatus — so called in Latin vymeobraznye clouds).

Mammatus usually occur in the warmer half of the year in the area of powerful convection. They are associated with the mother convective cell and most often appear after a thunderstorm. The physics of their formation is based on a cell-like system of descending and ascending air movements against the background of a General downward flow in a decaying cumulonimbus cloud. The combination of multidirectional vertical movements leads to the formation of characteristic pouches hanging under the base of the cloud.

In this case, mammatus appeared due to the high (almost summer) temperature background. The upper limit of the radio echo was very high for October (8 km). But it didn't come to a thunderstorm. So videobritney clouds had mild (fall) form.

The influence of the atmospheric front will continue on Friday and Saturday. There will be light rains in Moscow. The temperature will not change significantly and will remain at the level of September values: at night +8...+10, during the day +15...+17.

On Sunday, an anticyclone intensifying from the East will wash away the frontal section. In Moscow, the weather will clear up, and the daily temperature will increase. At night it will cool down to +6...+8, during the day the air will warm up to +16...+18.

This temperature background is considered normal for the beginning of September. Thus, the weather for the month does not keep up with the calendar.

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