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Ghost pale ladies photographed near the river

Added Fri, 26/01/2018
Дата публикации
Fri, 26/01/2018

In the section of the popular site "Reddit" dedicated to supernatural phenomena, there was another picture of the alleged ghosts. The author of the publication under the pseudonym Perfecto31 says that the photo was received by his girlfriend recently went for a walk to the river. Our heroine did near her a few pictures, and saw at that moment, nearby is nothing unusual. Only viewing subsequently received frames, she noticed one of them this phantom figure. Unfortunately, Perfecto31 refuses to reveal exactly where his friend took a picture of the possible comes from the world.

Anyway, on the picture in fact can be clearly seen pale anthropomorphic silhouette. Many users of Reddit decided that he looks like a tall woman in a long dress and flowing on the wind hair. In the foreground is etched by a fisherman, who, obviously, as a photographer, too, have not seen a ghostly lady on the opposite Bank of the river. One commentator even went to fantasy, assuming that the spirit belongs to the dead wife of that fisherman, who secretly visits his wife, watching his hobby, which in life somehow disliked. However, it is clear why: when life is the passion of men separated them, but now connects...

This, of course, very touching and romantic theory, however, it is difficult to say whether it has any relation to reality. Maybe it is not really a Ghost, and some winter Bush that caused bizarre parabolicheskoi illusion. Think it's the skeptics who believe that our world easily fit into the meager five senses that are gifted to man by nature as if in mockery...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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