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Giant tropical moonfish washed up on the coast of Great Britain

Added Sun, 15/01/2023
Дата публикации
Sun, 15/01/2023

Catherine Hawkes, a 39-year-old beach lover, was spending the day with her family at Great Yarmouth Beach in Norfolk, England, when she noticed a one-and-a-half-meter "withers" fish washed up on the shore.

By the way, it was not yet an adult individual, since a mature moonfish reaches three meters at all. It is unclear how the fish got to the shore of the Norfolk beach, but most likely it ran aground recently.

The bizarre appearance of a sea creature with an unusual skeleton and a large build is unusual for British waters, as these marine animals mainly live in tropical waters. At first, Hawkes assumed that she was dealing with a baby seal.

According to Rob Spray, coordinator of the environmental charity Seasearch East, a beached giant ocean fish, probably died due to starvation and inability to withstand the low temperatures of the North Sea. And she found herself there during the migration.

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