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Green comet approaching Earth 1 APR

Added Thu, 30/03/2017
Дата публикации
Wed, 29/03/2017

Comet tuttle — Giacobini — Kresak approaching our planet at the closest distance on 1 April. And this is no joke!

Tailed the space wanderer will be close to our blue world 21.2 million kilometers, specify in the Moscow planetarium. The visit of the comet to the vicinity of Earth will be able to contemplate including Muscovites will need to use telescopes or binoculars.

Comet tuttle — Giacobini — Kresak flies around the Sun over the earth of 5.42 years. The comet is unable to move away from the Sun at a greater distance — it holds the gravitational field of Jupiter.

Brightest comet tuttle — Giacobini — Kresak will Shine in the night sky on April 13, when it will be as close as possible to the Sun. But tomorrow, on March 30, the celestial body will be seen in the constellation of the Dragon note okolozemnoi part of the sky.

As is clear from the name of the comet, it was opened by three scientists. And all at different times and separately from each other. The first bright point in the sky, noticed the astrologer horos Tuttle, it took place on 3 may 1858. The second "father" of the comet became Michelle Jacobini in 1907. The third time the heavenly body was discovered by Lubor Kresak in 1951.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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