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If ghosts existed, then CERN would have long found them

Added Sat, 25/02/2017
Дата публикации
Sat, 25/02/2017

There are countless theories explaining ghosts, and supernatural activity, but it is better not to speak with someone who has a scientific mind. Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University explained why such things are "unthinkable".

Cox believes that if ghosts did exist, the Large hadron Collider, which is located in the European center for nuclear research (CERN), would long ago have found them.

"If we want to get a sort of picture, which contains information about our living cells, it is necessary to determine which carriers will be passed this information, and how these media interact with the cells in our body," said the Professor.

"In other words, we have to invent a completely new standard model of particle physics since the ghosts were not detected in the Large hadron Collider. Their existence is unthinkable with the amount of energy that is necessary for interaction of elementary particles in our body".

The question astrophysicist Neil degrasse Tyson: "If I understand correctly, you have just announced that CERN has denied the existence of ghosts?" Brian Cox replied in the affirmative.

The standard model of particle physics describes everything we know about the fundamental components of nature. According to the model, the elementary particles governed by four forces: gravity, electromagnetic energy, weak and strong nuclear energy. This is the best description of reality, which includes, but it not absolutely.

Although scientists are constantly searching for new particles which not fit into the standard model, Cox believes that ghosts defy the laws of thermodynamics.

If ghosts exist, they consist of energy, as they can easily walk through walls or do other "creepy" things. The second law of thermodynamics States that in any system, disorder or entropy always increases with time, and this means that the amount of energy is always lost in the transfer of energy.

Therefore ghosts could exist on Earth only in one case if they had restored the permanent source of energy.

With the help of the Large hadron Collider which is the world's largest particle accelerator, it is possible to see living cells are driven by energy, and, according to Coke, if there was the energy that fueled the ghosts, it would have been discovered.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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