Added | Mon, 09/01/2017 |
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Дата публикации | Fri, 10/07/2015
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Members of the British society of paranormal research (the British society of paranormal research) explained why some people are unable to see ghosts while others face the phantoms several times a day. It turns out that it's not in the innate susceptibility to the underworld, as previously believed by many experts.
According to the head of the society berry Lenexa, much greater odds have the ghosts of those who had in the life of any tragedy. It may be the loss of a very close person, serious illness experienced by war or disasters. Such conclusions the British did not from the air – for this they are in for eight years studied more than five thousand compatriots, who said about encounters with the other world.
The results of the study impressed the experts. It turned out that every one of the respondents passed his life in various hard trials. In this case, the more tragic was the disaster, the stronger man has opened the door to the afterlife.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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