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Magic story Belgorod

Added Wed, 29/11/2017
Дата публикации
Fri, 24/11/2017

They say that in the Belgorod and its surrounding areas often see a variety of hell – the flying saucers, mysterious balls, the notorious Chupacabra... According to one version, all the strange events connected with the magical past of these places.

Witches and Margarita

Several centuries ago, here began to exile to exile witches. Apparently, witch is quite adapted to the new location. Anyway, in the archives was found a letter, sent in 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the local Governor Timothy Buturlin, with the requirement to take measures to remedy the situation in Belgorod district. The essence of the Royal claims lay in the fact that the residents of the County, instead of going to Church, more and more were seen merrymaking with buffoons. And this occurred even in the large Orthodox holidays. As it turned out, stirred up the people all the same woman. In the end, the boss ordered him to beat satanic whips, send them into exile, and the most notorious not to burn. However, they say, the real witches somehow managed to wriggle out and hurt some innocent.

Another archival document tells the story of the ecclesiastical court that heard the case of a peasant woman named Juliana. The woman was accused that she was trained by some of the Ukrainian witches, witchcraft, and the correct result he sold his soul to the devil. The fate witch Ulyana remained unknown, but preserved information about what the most Saint Ioasaf had to come to Belgorod, to his prayers again to convert people to the faith.

Today near the village of Currant preserved ravines of Sedimente. There, they say, lay a secret trail, which went to the wise women for help of a local resident. Nearby, at the 44th kilometer of the railway there is a beam, where at one time disappeared without a trace travelers. Tell me what it cost them to be in this place, as he started to blow a strong wind, and before people knew it, swirl in a funnel sucked him inside, and more unhappy no one has ever seen.

Here he was, and Bald mountain, where witches held their covens. It is here on the eve of the ball at Woland takes dedication Bulgakov's Margarita.

The Lake Of Love

On the territory of present Graivoronsky region, near the village of Pochaevo, there is a body of water called Lake of Love. The legend about it is this. Lived as if in pochaevo young married couple. For a long time and they had no children. Somehow, this has caused hostility from the villagers. The couple was hunted down so that they were forced to leave and settle in the forest dugout. Once the wife came across in the woods on the pure spring. It turned out that it flows out of the lake. The woman decided to swim and soon gave birth to a boy and then a girl.

Soon the wonderful properties of the lake water heard by other people. They began to come here. It was said that the water in the lake not only helps to conceive children, but also grants wishes.

Now the whole surface of the lake covered with mud. According to old residents, the pond never wants to see a pilgrims. By the way, the dugout, where the couple lived, still can be seen on the background of birch and oak trees.

Horse out of the fog

In Belgorod region there are many abandoned villages. And often these edges are infamous. So, Chaplyginsky district neighborhood suddenly enveloped in a strange fog that had caused people to go astray. Experts say that it is the local Goblin sends to the travellers Wraith.

No ghosts, of course, also can not do. So, in the 20-ies of the last century the Secretary of the local Komsomol organization told me a story about a farm Scythe, where it was about a ghostly white horse. At first the guy just laughed. But one night he came home, and near the said farm before him as if from beneath the earth grew fuzzy white cone, turned into a silhouette of a horse. Horse gallop ran around the traveler and melted into air. The witness, who was formerly a staunch atheist, remember this case the whole life and till the end of his life believed in mysticism.

House of horror

Within the boundaries of Belgorod was also a haunted house, as evidenced by a note in one of the local Newspapers in 1929 Called it "Ghost terrifies". At that time in the heart of the city, at the corner of Vorovsky and Budennovsky, stood a large three-storey building. Despite the housing crisis, the Windows of almost all the rooms were shuttered – they were empty. Nobody wanted to live in a house which dropped in the Ghost of the former owner, shot by the KGB. Subsequently the house had to be demolished.

Ghostly tanks

And some believe that in the Belgorod area is the space-time portal. For example, in 1943 there was a story. During the fighting for the liberation of the region, the Nazis decided to take out of town part of the archive and of different values. Covered with a tarpaulin trucks with wooden boxes seen going through T-towards the village of Nikolsky. And all of a sudden one turn they disappeared, and then saw them already empty, returning back... what happened to the cargo, is unknown.

Two locals in our time late one night driving from Prokhorovka to Belgorod. When I was driving prokhorovskoye pole, the car suddenly the engine failed. Decided to wait for a ride to get help. And on the way heard the noise of the engine. It was similar to a tractor. But instead of the tractor out of the darkness they saw a German tank... brand "Tiger"! He was followed by other tanks.

Friends thought filming some of the movie. But around the "Tiger" whistling shells. The tank began to shoot, and then exploded and caught fire. Our witnesses clearly felt on their faces the heat from the flame... They were so frightened that they ran back in the direction of Prokhorovka. In the morning, returning to the abandoned car, they found the place no trace of yesterday's incident, including fingerprints of tracks of tanks... well, then all that they only dreamed?

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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