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The mysterious "Herbal tornado" filmed in the UK

Added Fri, 12/07/2019
Дата публикации
Fri, 12/07/2019

A strange phenomenon that fans of the computer game "Stalker" let me remind you about the anomalies in the Area, filmed last Sunday in the British town of Northwich, Cheshire.

Emerged in the field of a swirl of wind lifted the pieces of cut grass and slowly in a circle circling them in the air, creating the impression of something apocalyptic.

Noticed this phenomenon the locals looked at him with gaping mouths, never before then had ever seen.

"It started as a mini-tornado, it appeared behind us and started to suck in mown hay and field grass," says the author of the video Luke Dean, who was fishing on a local river.

First, Luke stood and shot "herbal tornado" on the phone, but then this phenomenon is so frightened him that he ran to seek refuge for herself and then hid under the fence. There, ran and his father who were fishing nearby and became frightened of the strange phenomenon.

"It all began just one minute and we watched as it swirls and moves out of the way."

Another local resident by the name of Jennifer this time was with husband and children to the car after a walk and they, too, watched herbal tornado.

"The children began to laugh and point fingers at the sky. We looked at it for a couple of minutes, after which it withdrew to the side".

After a strange tornado residents of neighboring houses found scraps of hay on the roofs of their houses and yards.

According to employees of the met office, the people of Northwich have observed what is called the dust vortex, however, they acknowledged that for Britain this phenomenon is quite unusual, as dusty vortices occur mostly in deserts and arid regions. And why was it hay, too, is explained very simply. The path of the whirlwind caught the grass and the whirlwind picked her up.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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