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NASA explained the appearance of a mysterious "door" in the Martian rock

Added Tue, 24/05/2022
Дата публикации
Tue, 24/05/2022

The mysterious passage into the rock on Mars, captured in one of the photos, has now been explained. We are talking about a hole in the rock on the Greenhew Pediment elevation, resembling a properly carved doorway.

The agency reported that there are many natural cracks in this area, one of which reaches a height of 30 cm and a width of 40 cm. There are similar formations in the bedrock both on Mars and on Earth.

According to the team of the rover that took the picture, the hyped reaction to the photo on the web was provoked by pareidolia, that is, the brain's ability to perceive familiar and well-known shapes and outlines in surrounding objects.

Scientists agree that the hole really looks like a small door, but these are its natural geological features.

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