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Do aliens represent the US at the UN?

Added Tue, 19/04/2022
Дата публикации
Tue, 19/04/2022

During the recent visit of US Representative Linda Thomas-Greenfield to the UN, a mysterious observation occurred. There have been suggestions that the United States delegate is a shape-shifting alien. All the confusion arose because of an unusual frame presented on NBC News.

It's hard to deny that the photo looks at least peculiar. A diplomat, she really gives him the impression of a person from another world. 

Many Internet users assume that she is a werewolf alien, but it is more likely that the strange appearance of the woman is the result of an unsuccessful angle under which the photo was taken, where a black mask and hairstyle are taken for the alien's face.

The best example of this is a photo taken during the same meeting, at which the diplomat looks quite normal.

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