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In New Zealand waters, the divers came across a ten-meter monster

Added Mon, 01/07/2019
Дата публикации
Sun, 30/06/2019

Almost fifty miles from the mainland, divers noticed the huge creature with a length of ten meters, which compared with a plastic bag, stretching for tens of meters. The discovery was made by Andrew buttle and Steve Hathaway.

As told to men, something stretched, then narrowed. It looked surreal. Men are unable to explain what was observed, so they got scientists.

According to experts, in New Zealand waters, the divers were able to photograph colonies of marine organisms called Pirosmani or Agnelli. These creatures can form such a pipe, one body. It is noteworthy that pyroom practically impossible to find, known only to a few cases of contact with them.

These creatures are talyubittu, therefore, live only in tropical waters. In addition, the mandatory condition for the existence of the salinity at 35%.

Pyrosoma feed on the plankton which is filtered by special authority. Education "package from the supermarket," begins with a single zooid, creating copies of himself. Each time the animal grows in length. The maximum size depends on the colony and age.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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