Added | Fri, 29/05/2020 |
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Дата публикации | Fri, 29/05/2020
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The spacecraft NASA's AIM found may 17 in the first season noctilucent clouds. Then they were barely noticeable, but since then their intensity has increased dramatically. Recent orbital images show a growing group of clouds rotating above the Arctic circle.
Noctilucent clouds — the high-altitude clouds on Earth. They are formed at the border of space, at an altitude of over 80 km when the summer jets of water vapor rise into the mesosphere, and the water kristallizuetsya around meteoric particles.
Last summer noctilucent clouds spread record far to the South. It's only the beginning of the season, and they are concentrated around the North pole. But they already see in Europe. Johnny Krabichler photographed noctilucent clouds may 26, from Ängelholm, Sweden.
"These night shining clouds are quite common during the summer in Sweden. But it rarely happens that they shone in such a large area. As soon as I saw them, I ran for my camera. The light from the clouds was comparable with the light from my led bulbs in the house!" — said the photographer.
Noctilucent clouds are called "geophysical light bulb" because they suddenly "turn on", reaching almost full intensity for ten days. By early June they will spread further South and become much brighter.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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