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A pair of pink dolphins were spotted in Louisiana

Added Sun, 23/07/2023
Дата публикации
Sun, 23/07/2023

The couple experienced a real shock when they saw two of the rarest dolphins that can only be found.

Thurman Gustin and his unnamed girlfriend were fishing off the coast of Hackberry, Louisiana, USA, when they noticed something in the sea that they did not expect to meet.

The couple discovered that two pink dolphins were swimming nearby — and this was not the last trick of the PR team for the new Barbie movie.

The guy took it on video, and you can clearly see two bright pink giant dolphins having fun on a very windy day on July 12.

There is only one type of pink dolphin — the Amazon River dolphin, but, as the name suggests, it will be difficult to find it in the center of Hackberry.

There remains one possible variant of what the dolphin was — a pair of bottlenose dolphins with albinism.

In fact, like humans, dolphins don't have enough melanin pigment in their skin, so they appear pink or white.

Another pink dolphin was spotted in the area in 2007, but it has not been confirmed whether one of these two recently spotted dolphins is the same.

Fortunately, the couple who noticed them left them alone, despite filming them.

Gustin said:

"I stopped and started recording on my phone. I've never seen anything like it and just wanted to keep the memories."

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