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Polar stratospheric clouds in the Netherlands

Added Fri, 04/01/2019
Дата публикации
Mon, 31/12/2018

On Christmas morning meteorologist Jacob MoE looked up at the sky of the Netherlands and saw an amazing picture: the sky floated a cloud of hypnotic waves, flickering colored tints.

"At first I thought it was some kind of Cirrus clouds, but the waves were too specific. When I noticed the color flash, then realized that it must be polar stratospheric clouds (PSC)," — said the MoE.

The scientist recorded a timelapse video, which you can see PSC and flying under them clouds.

Polar stratospheric clouds are located so high above the Ground that even the planes can't get to them. Normally, the stratosphere is free from clouds, and completely transparent. There is very dry and large gaps between water molecules. But when the temperature drops to -85 ° C, these rare molecules start to slowly come together, forming ice crystals that develop in the PSC.

"I work for the National weather Bureau in the centre of the Netherlands (KNMI) for 40 years and only twice have I seen such a broad spread of stratospheric clouds. It was a spectacular sight. I did not expect that the stratosphere over our country will be cold, but one of my colleagues confirmed my assumption, although he was surprised," — said the MoE.

Tiny ice crystals PSC can cause so much colorful iridescence that they are sometimes mistaken for auroras. Clouds recorded by the meteorologist, contain just a few color flashes, but it was enough to identify them.

PSC are of two types: type I contain hydrated droplets of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. These chemicals can destroy the ozone. After the outbreak of PSC of type I over the Kingdom in February 2016 formed the ozone hole. PSC type II cause little damage to the ozone layer. Cloud of witnesses of which was the Ice, could be a mixture of both types.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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