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Protivoallergennye rays fan stretches over the horizon

Added Fri, 31/08/2018
Дата публикации
Thu, 30/08/2018

Yesterday at sunset in Golden, Missouri, over the horizon is a fan of shadow rays.

"They look like normal the sun's rays, except for one thing: the sun was on the opposite side of the sky," says Zachary, Blazek, who was a witness of the phenomenon and photographed it with the shores of Table Rock Lake.

Behind Blazeka the setting sun sank behind the ragged clouds. The edges of these clouds cast huge elongated shadows that arc passed through the sky, converging on the opposite horizon. These are called shadow rays protivoallergennye.

Protivoallergennye rays in the sky are not uncommon, but they are fairly weak and often go unnoticed because people are turning away from them, attracted by the colors of the setting sun on the opposite side of the sky. So, next time you watch the sunset, don't forget to turn back — sight behind your back can be equally as lovely.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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