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A rare green flash over the sea horizon

Added Tue, 07/05/2019
Дата публикации
Mon, 06/05/2019

For photographers living by the sea, nothing beats the green flash — the sudden pulse of green light appears at sunset when the Sun disappears in the ocean. Tom peck from the city of POWAY in California captured a rare variety of green flash may 4 from the Pacific ocean.

This is a rare green flash that can be seen when the sun's rays illuminate the cloud ridge. The usual green flash require a temperature inversion layer near the surface of the sea. Such inversion can sometimes occur on the top of the marine stratus clouds.

Green flash or green ray is an optical phenomenon observed at sunrise or sunset over the sea horizon. To see it with the naked eye turns rarely, mostly only with binoculars or camera in this case.

The nature of the phenomenon lies in the dispersion of sunlight. The spectral decomposition of the last ray of the setting sun forms a "color fan". When the sun disappears behind the horizon, the last ray we see a bright emerald. This happens due to the scattering of short wavelength violet, blue and blue rays near the horizon and less of the visual susceptibility of these colors.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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