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Red River Palkella Pukamayu: a unique natural phenomenon of Peru

Added Wed, 26/04/2023
Дата публикации
Wed, 26/04/2023

The Vilcanota mountain range in Peru attracts tourists from all over the world with its majestic landscapes and unique natural phenomena. One of these phenomena is the Palkella Pukamayu River, known for its bright red color, which gives the impression that blood flows instead of water.

Located 100 kilometers from the city of Cusco, the Palkella Pukamayu flows through untouched rocky valleys and boasts a red color for 5 kilometers of its journey. As it turned out, the color of the river is due to a large amount of soil rich in iron oxide, which is washed away from the mountains during the rainy season (December-April) and turns the water bright red.

Although photos and videos of the red river have conquered the Internet, many still doubt its existence. However, it is a well-documented natural phenomenon that does not need photoshop or other applications to create otherworldly illusions.

The rainy season is not the best time to hike in the Vilcanota mountain range, but if you want to see the blood-red Palkella Pukamayu River with your own eyes, then the rainy season is the right time.

Tourists wishing to visit Palkella Pukamayu can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Vilcanota mountain range and see one of the most amazing natural phenomena of Peru. This river will not only amaze you with its unique color, but will also be a real gift for photographers and nature lovers.

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