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A chemical reaction

Chemical reaction - transformation of one or more original substances (reactants) to other substances in which the nuclei of atoms do not change, thus there is a redistribution of electrons and nuclei, and the formation of new chemical substances.

Chemical reactions occur when mixing or physical contact of reagents spontaneously, when heated, the participation of catalysts (catalysis), light (photochemical reactions), electrical current (electrode processes),ionizing radiation (radiation-chemical reactions), mechanical stimuli (mechano-chemical reaction) in the low-temperature plasma (plasma-chemical reactions), etc.

As a result of chemical reacii can stand the heat form the fire, the substance can change the color and state of aggregation may occur in cooling of the surface, illumination , etc. as a result of this reaction can form toxic substances that have adverse effects on the health of living organisms and their perception.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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