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Residents of Murmansk surprised spectacular clouds

Added Mon, 18/09/2017
Дата публикации
Mon, 18/09/2017

Residents of the glorious Northern Russian cities of Murmansk in early September, was surprised and at the same time pleased with the spectacular clouds in the form of wing waves in the sky.

This is a fantastically beautiful phenomenon, scientists explain the "Instability of the Kelvin-Helmholtz" that rarely happens, and therefore, you can find it at best once in a lifetime, at worst – only in pictures or videos. These wave-like clouds, scientists say, emerge because of a complex relationship between warm and cold air flows.

Although an ordinary person it seems like science fiction, that's why that day Evgeny Karpukhin (see his photo) first marveled at the heavenly picture to see these mysterious clouds, and therefore immediately took out his smartphone and captured them on the camera. Here is what he said, by placing a photo on the Internet:

I did not even realize the value of a given shot, and when he began to show his friends, in their enthusiastic responses I realized that the picture is worth to see as many people as possible. Maybe someone knows about it something interesting and exciting?

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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