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On the shores of New Zealand found a huge jellyfish

Added Thu, 20/09/2018
Дата публикации
Thu, 20/09/2018

The portal, Science Alert reports that local residents of the city of Oakland was found on the beach giant jellyfish. The body was folded to the outside, which attracted the attention of scientists from the National Institute of water and atmosphere New Zealand. Specialists in the analysis to determine the type of the Medusa: the establishment belonged to a family of fibrous ziana.

According to the comments of scientists, members of the species scyphoid are the largest Arctic jellyfish, the length of the tentacles which can reach up to twenty meters. Perhaps, the creation became stranded due to changes in water temperature. But this is only speculation, the exact version of development the scientists there.

It is worth noting that this is the first such find. Earlier the local residents had found these bizarre jellyfish.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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