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Solved the mystery of the emergence of a huge eagle at the Formula 1 track

Added Thu, 26/10/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 26/10/2017

The shadow of the eagle flew over the track after the machine Daniil Kvyat (Toro Rosso) before disappearing from the screen. The size of the shadow was two times more than Kvyat's car that left the audience of broadcasting a lasting impression. What was this mystery bird?

The mystery of the eagle's shadow, which made the audience of broadcasting the race to worry about the appearance of a giant bird during the Grand Prix of the United States, was solved after Formula 1 has admitted that the bird is a CGI special effect.

F1 often uses CGI to add sponsor logos and messages on the track. On this record we see the first case of adding a moving object in the live broadcast.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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