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Tasmania have found a rare fish with "hands»

Added Tue, 30/01/2018
Дата публикации
Tue, 30/01/2018

Anthony Cooper and her research team dived for two hours to find a rare fish with "hands". A group of scientists from the University of Tasmania (Australia) received a signal from the locals that a rare species of fish were seen near the reef, a few kilometers from the southeastern coast of Tasmania and decided to go on a quest.

However, it was already more than half of the 3.5-hour searches, and the team was not able to find the fish. Cooper was ready to make a point, but then she saw something red in the water. It was her.

This species is famous for its fins in the shape of a hand, lives in the ocean bensalah, moving along the seabed on their limbs. These fish grow to a length of 6.35 cm, and feed on small crustaceans and worms. Red brachionichthyidae fish are bright red and decorated with red elements.

View — one of the rarest in the world. The elusive fish was first spotted near Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsula in the 1800s, Until the last moment was only known about a group of 20-40 fish that live on reef runway near the Bay of Frederick-Henry in Hobart.

Opening Cooper can increase is known to the people the population of red brachiocephalic fish up to 80 individuals.

Fourteen known species brachionichthys — endemic waters along the South-East of Tasmania. Small, colourful, sedentary fish are not created for long voyages, so probably discovered population is genetically different from the population of Hobart.

Brachionichthyidae fish are under threat of extinction. They lay eggs at the base of aquatic plants, so laying often damage the swimmers and boats. Fish are also threatened by poachers, and low rates of reproduction and distribution prevented the populations to recover.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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