Added | Sun, 03/07/2022 |
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Дата публикации | Sat, 02/07/2022
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Unusual cloud cover was observed over the Caspian Sea at the end of May. With the help of a NASA satellite, observations were made of a cloud moving towards the Earth's surface and then dissipating. The purpose of the research was to find out how layered cumulus clouds can have such a shape.
Rigid contours have become one of the striking features of the phenomenon. According to Bastian van Didenhoven, an atmospheric researcher from the Netherlands, this shape of the edges is formed when dry and warm air masses coming from the land face colder and wetter currents above the ocean surface.
This time, the researchers did not see this spectacle over the ocean expanses, however, the Caspian remains the largest of the inland reservoirs of this region. The sea is surrounded by Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Similar clouds, only on a much larger scale, can often be seen off the African coast.
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