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Water tornadoes lifted umbrellas into the air on a South Carolina beach

Added Tue, 29/09/2020
Дата публикации
Mon, 28/09/2020

On September 25 in South Carolina on the coast of the resort town of Myrtle beach, water tornadoes were captured on video.

The footage shows how one tornado even came out on the shore, lifting up into the air, umbrellas and chairs. As a result, no one was injured, but the natural phenomenon made a lasting impression on observers.

Water tornadoes always form over water, and they are connected to a Cumulus cloud. Despite the similarity with the usual tornado, the water exists no more than half an hour, and also less in size — no more than 200 m in diameter. Also, its speed of movement and rotation is significantly lower, it may not be accompanied by a hurricane wind. These vortices of air and water are formed in both tropical and temperate latitudes, and can appear not only over seas, but also over rivers and lakes. Often water tornadoes are observed by residents of the coastal areas of the Black sea.

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