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Why ski resorts you can often see the incredible halo?

Added Thu, 02/01/2020
Дата публикации
Wed, 01/01/2020

Many saw a sun halo — halo around the Sun formed by ice crystals in the clouds. Glowing rings are basically just circles. But on 1 December it was much more interesting.

Cindy Biba witnessed the appearance in the sky over Val Thorens in the French Alps several halo.

Picture Bidua we see prelicence circle, upper tangent arc of a great halo, 22-degree halo (small halo), anti-arc, upper tangent arc of the small halo, arc Perry, a sun pillar and a couple of Parhelia.

Complex systems halo such as this one require not only one type of ice crystals, they must be many and they must be jewelry and are aligned relative to each other. Clouds that contain such a rare ensemble of ice crystals, are rare.

In this case, helped by snow canons. Val Thorens, located at an altitude of 2300 m, is the highest ski town in Europe. The snow guns at ski resorts produce a special form of ice. These artificial crystals called "diamond dust", tend to be more optically perfect than the natural crystals in the clouds, producing an incredible halo — like in this picture.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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