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Scientists found out why when thunderstorms appear "UFO"

Added Mon, 09/01/2017
Дата публикации
Mon, 29/06/2015

Physicists at the University of Florida have found an explanation to bright flashes of light that occur during a thunderstorm and shaped like a flying saucer.

The reason for their appearance, as follows from the article in the edition of Nature Communications, are the action of atmospheric gravity waves in the clouds.

The so-called sprites, which are almost always mistaken for UFOs are infrequent natural phenomenon and there are only about 100 milliseconds. The first such flash was accidentally photographed in 1989. Light spots are powerful discharges of electricity occurring at altitudes of 50 kilometers (for comparison, the height of "ordinary" lightning is not more than 16 km) and covering a few tens of kilometers in length and width.

Dr. Ninoy Liu and his colleagues have managed to recreate the appearance of such "UFO". Their computer model is based on air monitoring conducted at 14-km altitude, as well as on data on the formation of flashes in the upper atmosphere derived from the Land.

Gravitational waves entering the upper atmosphere give rise to strong perturbations, which in turn may significantly change the configuration of the electric field around the storm clouds. A certain amount of force and frequency of oscillation, the scientists made a conclusion, and called "flying saucers".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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