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The world's first levitating UFO MP-1766 coin has been released

Added Tue, 27/02/2024
Дата публикации
Wed, 28/02/2024

Last week, the world's first levitating coin, UFO MP—1766, was presented at a Technical forum in Berlin. This coin was created by the Polish Mint Mennica Polska for the National Bank of Cameroon. Experts are surprised by the futuristic design and unusual features of the coin.

The name "UFO MP-1766" reflects not only the founding date of the Polish Mint – 1766, but also the ability of the coin to levitate, smoothly rotating in the air, like an alien spaceship (UFO).

The face value of the coin is 1,766 Cameroonian francs, which is approximately 2.91 US dollars. However, this piece of technology costs much more than its face value: the pre-order price exceeds $1,000 for a copy of the 510 available worldwide.

Lukasz Kard, Director of Technical Planning and Production at Mennica Polska, said:

"The idea of creating a flying coin seemed impossible, but thanks to the close-knit work of our team of experts from various departments of the company, we were able to bring it to life. Our stealthy levitation technology uses a small motor activated by a magnetic field between the coin and a special platform."

In addition to the ability to levitate, the UFO MP-1766 is also decorated with fluorescent elements that make it attractive in the dark. Mennica Polska is the only private organization in Poland legalized for the production of coins and investment products, as well as the only manufacturer of commemorative coins approved by the National Bank of Poland.

Lucas Card stressed the importance of partnering with the "exotic" central bank of Cameroon to recognize UFO MP-1766 as legal tender. He said:

"Our coin is not just a collector's item, it is designed to become part of the financial system, and thanks to our contacts with central banks, this project is becoming a reality."

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