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Sheriff's deputy stopped an unusual "UFO" in Missouri

Added Mon, 01/07/2024
Дата публикации
Mon, 01/07/2024

Recently, a Crawford County sheriff's deputy in Missouri encountered a particularly unusual vehicle on the road. Although authorities have stopped several strange vehicles across the United States over the years, this case stands out as one of the most unusual.

According to a Facebook post by the Crawford County Sheriff's Office, a deputy noticed an unusual contraption cruising along an interstate highway. This UFO shaped like a flying saucer was piloted by two "friendly humanoids".

As it turned out, the duo was heading to Roswell, New Mexico, to participate in the UFO festival.

"You never know what's going to drive through Crawford County, but this case was a little out of this world," the sheriff's office wrote. "These friendly humanoids, who came in peace, are heading west to Roswell, New Mexico, for the festival. There was a brief conversation about his exit from space, correction, and de-registration, but he assured us that he would take care of this issue when he returned to Krypton. He was also warned about our strict observance of warp speed on the interstate and that his phasers should only be kept in stun mode while driving."

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