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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. United States

ID #1603106124
Added Mon, 19/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.09.1976 22:08
Манчестер, MA
United States

A spherical object that emits red-orange light is the first visually obtained of the three. It was located geometrically equidistant in a perfect center among the four stars on the Ursa Major bowl, and the bowl was located noticeably flat just above the northern horizon. A bowl positioned flat or parallel to the horizon, making it easy to determine the exact time using astronomical software. 

Then the main witness, Geoffrey Morgan Foss, sent a telepathic message that said:

"Come here, I'm not afraid." 

The object immediately began a descent along a sloping downward trajectory straight to the Fosse. As the object approached, Phil Oxford and his friend Bruce were approaching the shore behind Foss. 

They saw him raise his arms in greeting and stand on either side of him in awe, Phil on his left and Bruce on his right. The object landed within 50 feet (15 m) across the road, was 30 feet (9 m) high, and the size of a two - story house-or in perspective, the size of a basketball at one foot (0.3 m) high. 

Then it stopped and immediately changed color from glowing red to bright white. Suddenly, it was as if time had slowed down. 

Then, after some time, a Manchester police officer came to the beach, turned on his moping and ran away in a hurry. 

At first, Foss didn't think the officer couldn't see what was happening on either side of him in plain sight, but instead he noticed the drunks on the beach. But he drove past them and left the beach completely. 

The object then retreated back along its original approach path, stopped midway, rose vertically to a height of 4,000 feet, turned at right angles and headed directly over their heads, perfectly aligned between the other two balls, and the three objects moved in formation " I " towards the eastern sky and disappeared from view. 

He didn't know it at the time, but there was a serious time miss that night, which was later confirmed using astronomical software and hypnotic regression with researcher Joe Nyman. 

Foss remembers standing and looking out through a curved window or screen at the star field. Although he tried to visually capture the land or ocean below, there was nothing. He also gave a sleek and small silver jar with Nitrox (?) Unmarked as a worry stone, which did not include the hose and mask. 

He remembers seeing himself looking down at him, as well as through the eyes of a Gray Man who was to his right and slightly behind him. This memory has been shattered by the benefits of regression. At the end of the event, there was a heavy meteor shower that lasted for about an hour, and the baby in Kettle Bay was full of long silver fish jumping out of the water by the thousands. 

According to Foss, he reported the main part of the incident to the police department.

Original news

Date: September 26 1976
Location:  Manchester, Massachusetts
Time:  2208
Summary:  A globular object emitting red-orange light—the point vehicle—the first visually acquired of three—was sitting geometrically/equidistantly at perfect center amidst the four stars of the pan of the Big Dipper and the pan was sitting notably flat just above the northern horizon. The pan sitting flat or parallel to the horizon occurs within a two minute window thus making it easy to note exact time using astronomical software. The main witness, Jeffrey Morgan Foss then sent a telepathic message that said, “Approach, I am not afraid.” The object immediately began a descent along a sloping downward trajectory straight for Foss. As the object approached, Phil Oxford and his friend, Bruce, were coming up behind Foss from the beach. They saw him holding up his arms in welcome and stood on each side of him in awe—Phil to his left and Bruce to his right. The object closed within 50 feet just across the road, was 30feet in the air and was as big as a two story house—or in size perspective, a basketball at one foot. It then stopped and immediately changed from glowing red to brilliant white. Suddenly there was an effect as if time had slowed. Then, after some time had a transpired, a Manchester Police officer emerged onto the beach, turned on his blues and bolted out of there in a hurry. At first, Foss didn’t think the officer did not see what was happening on either side of him in plain view but instead had caught sight of drunks further up the beach. But he drove past them and left the beach completely. Then the object receded backward along its original approach trajectory heading, stopped at a halfway point, elevated vertically to 4,000 ft, made a right angle turn and headed straight over their heads, aligned perfectly in between two other globes and the three objects moved away in an “I” formation toward the eastern sky and out of sight. He didn’t know it at the time, but there was some serious time missing that night which was later verified using astronomical software and hypnotic regression with investigator Joe Nyman. Foss remembers standing looking out through a curved window or screen at a star field. Though he tried visually to acquire land or ocean below, there was none. He had also been given a sleek and small unmarked silver canister of nitrox (?) as a worry stone which didn’t include a hose and mask. He remembers seeing himself looking down at it as well as through the eyes of the Gray that was off to his right and a little behind him. This memory was jarred loose thanks to the benefits of regression. At the close of the event there was an intense meteor shower which lasted for an hour and the baby at Kettle Cove was full of long silver fish jumping high out of the water by the thousands. According the Foss he reported the main part of the event to the police department.
Source:   Jeffrey Morgan Foss


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

False memories

A person remembers an event, a fragment or a detail that did not actually happen.

They can be formed independently or under the influence of methods of memory recovery therapy (Recovered-memory therapy or RMT), such as regressive hypnosis, guided visualization, drug therapy for memory recovery, etc .In this case, there is an effect called imagination inflation.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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