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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Russia

ID #1613584026
Added Wed, 17/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Krasnodarskiy kray

Witness N. Zhdanov and his wife woke up at night to a bright blue flashing light coming from somewhere above them.

Zhdanov assumed that they were aliens (!), and volunteered to meet them, despite the objections of his wife, who did not allow him to go outside. Suddenly something strange happened, my wife ran to the bed, fell face down on it and immediately fell asleep. 

The witness then felt some pressure and ringing in his ears, and the hairs on his body stood on end as if they were charged with static electricity. And then, feeling sick, he sat on the edge of the bed, his head aching. Then he lay down on the bed and apparently lost consciousness. 

Then he suddenly woke up and was apparently transported to an unfamiliar place. He noticed a cube-shaped object that was standing on a platform, apparently made of brown plastic, about 2 meters high, with a doorway, but without a door and windows.

Several men were standing inside the cube on what looked like a stool, with a table on another stool next to them. With gestures, the men invited Zhdanov to come in and sit down with them. The witness tried to move the stool, but it appeared to be connected to the stool. Then Zhdanov pinched himself and realized that this was not a dream. 

The men looked human, a little older than the witness, and asked Zhdanov in pure Russian:

"Should we explain to you who we are?»

 The witness nodded positively, and then the aliens continued: 

"You want to go with us to a distance of (not specified) light-years?»

The witness misread the number of light-years and asked to convert the number to a more convenient one. They replied that after all the time on the journey, he would have aged a total of five years after returning to Earth. The witness declined the invitation, and then one of the aliens, who was busily writing in a notebook, looked at him and asked:


The witness explained that he was building a house, which took many years to get a building permit, and since he was not a member of the CPSU (Communist Party), it would be very inconvenient if he suddenly disappeared. Then his interlocutor said that he understood everything, that they were not going to take him by force and added that the witness would have no problems with money or with the construction of a house. 

Before saying goodbye, the alien said that if the witness ever changed his mind, he would just have to think about it for a moment and it would be done (?). He was also advised not to tell anyone about his meeting. 

The witness also saw two "robots" inside the cube. One of them was studying the witness, measuring something on his right hand. The robot had what looked like a laptop computer in its left hand (a laptop in 1990!), and it was clearly loading data into it, as numerous lights were flashing on it, the witness could see glowing blue and orange shapes on the computer screen, but he could not see the device or screen correctly, since he did not have reading glasses with him. 

The witness also lost some memory during the incident and did not behave like a "normal person". Later, he woke up lying on the floor. Then he jumped up cheerfully and hurried out into the street. 

It was raining, and about 1 km away, he saw a blue light flying towards the city of Tuapse. Then the lights went out, but he couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. In the morning, he went to a nearby park and saw a large broken mulberry tree, apparently caused by a powerful force. 

Later, he found a 4 cm long crescent-shaped burn on his arm. The burn had been hurting him for a long time.

Original news

Location. Sochi, Russia
Date: June 1990
Time: night
The witness, N. Zhdanov and his wife awoke at night from a bright blue blinking light emanating from somewhere over them. Mr. Zhdanov supposed that it was extraterrestrials (!) and volunteered to meet them notwithstanding his wife’s objections, which was preventing him from going outdoors. Suddenly something strange happened, his wife ran to the bed fell on it face down and immediately fell asleep. The witness then felt some pressure and ringing in his ears and the hairs on his body stood up as if charged with static electricity. And then feeling nauseous he sat on the edge of the bed, he also had a headache. He then lay on the bed and apparently lost consciousness. Next he suddenly awoke and had been obviously transported to an unfamiliar location. He noticed a cubic-shaped object that was standing on a platform apparently made out of brown plastic, about 2 meters high, with a doorway but without a door or windows. Several men stood inside the cube on what appeared to be a stool, nearby them was a table on another stool. Using hand signals the men invited Zhdanov to come in and sit with them. The witness attempted to move the stool but it seemed connected to the stool. Zhdanov then pinched himself and realized that he was not dreaming. The men looked human, a little older than the witness and asked Zhdanov in the pure Russian language, “Should we explain to you who we are?” The witness nodded positively and then the alien men continued, “Do you want to travel with us to a distance of (unspecified) light years?” The witness did not correctly hear the number of light years and asked them to transform the figure into a more convenient one. They answered that after the total amount of travel time, he would have aged a total of five years upon returning to Earth. The witness refused the invitation and then one of the alien men who had been busily writing on a “notepad” looked up at him and asked “Why?” The witness explained that he was in the process of building a house that had taken many years to obtain a building permit and since he was not a member of the CPSU (Communist Party) it would be very awkward if he suddenly disappears. Then his interlocutor said that he understood everything, that he was not going to be taken by force and added that the witness would not have problems with money or the construction of the house. Before saying goodbye the alien said that if the witness would someday change his mind, he will just have to think about it for a moment and it would be done (?). He was also advised not to tell anyone about his encounter. The witness also saw two “robots” inside the cube. One of them was studying the witness, measuring something on his right hand. On his left hand the robot had something like a portable computer (laptop in 1990!) and was apparently downloading data into it, since numerous lights were blinking on it, the witness could see luminous blue and orange figures on the screen of the computer, but he could not see the device or screen properly, since he did not have his reading glasses with him. The witness also several memory lapses during the incident and did not act like a “normal person”. He later woke up lying on the floor; he then cheerfully jumped up and hurried into the street. It was raining and he then saw a blue light about a 1 km away flying towards the town of Tuapse. Then the light vanished, but he could not sleep for the rest of the night. In the morning he went to a nearby park and saw a large broken mulberry tree apparently caused by a powerful force. He later found a 4cm long burn on his hand, shaped like a crescent. The burn caused him pain for a long time. Soon his financial problems were settled (just like the aliens had predicted) and in the summer of 1991 the witness was saved from a car accident by some unknown force that suddenly stopped the engine of his “UAZ-469” vehicle several hundred meters from the location where several other vehicles had collided causing numerous casualties.

Source: “Mir Nepoznannogo” Moscow # 17, September 1994


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Comment on the surprise of the author of the article:

The idea of creating a portable computer "the size of a notebook, with a flat-screen monitor and able to connect to networks without wires" was put forward by the head of the company's research laboratory Xerox Alan Key in 1968.

In 1982, commissioned by NASA William Moggridge (Grid Systems) created the world's first Grid Compass laptop, which was used in the Space Shuttle program. 

The Osborne 1 is the first commercially successful portable microcomputer, released on April 3, 1981, by the American company Osborne Computer Corporation.

And that's not touching on science fiction either in the books or in the movies. Thus, in 1990, there were already ideas about laptops.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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