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Top 10 not so well known stories of abductions by aliens

Added Tue, 04/04/2017
Дата публикации
Mon, 03/04/2017

Many have heard about the famous stories of abductions by aliens. The most famous of them happened to Travis Walton and Betty and Barney hill. However, there are a huge number of incidents that are not so widely advertised, but at the same time are real and carefully researched. Here are the best ten "is not so well known" cases of kidnapping.

1. Linda Cortile

In November 1989, a housewife living in one on the 12th floor, in lower Manhattan, said that at three in the morning she picked up in a UFO with bright lights. In an interview, Linda said, "a UFO was opened almost like a conch shell, and then I was inside." Two men who served as bodyguards in the United Nations, were also proved in the same position as Linda. The incident was confirmed by several witnesses, among whom were ordinary citizens, the lawyer and the surgeon, who thought that filming this scene some movie. This story is not widespread and still remains a mystery.

2. Family Cahill

After midnight, the Cahill family was returning home after spending a weekend with close friends. On the way, they noticed a number of bright lights on the craft with Windows around the dome. Kelly, the mother of the family, claimed that she did not know why, went to the side and saw unknown to her colorless creature with a height of about 2 meters. After meeting with an alien Kelly had a strange triangular mark on the navel, which, as it turned out, was the implant placed.

3. Frederick Valentich

Twenty-year-old pilot Frederick Valentich disappeared on 21 October 1978 while flying over bass Strait in Australia. Communication session with the air traffic Control Melbourne was interrupted in mid-sentence. The last words of Frederick, before his disappearance were: "It's not a plane".

4. The kidnapping of fishing

In 1976, the twin brothers Jack and Jim Weiner, with his two friends went fishing on the lake Eagle. They lit a fire on the lake, when suddenly appeared in the sky a bright object. After hypnosis, tests on the polygraph and an extensive survey of all four, told a horrible story in which each of the abductees were subjected to a humiliating and aggressive procedures, including the violent extraction of biological liquids of organism.

5. Whitley Strieber

The case of the writer Whitley Stibera, after which he wrote the book "Contact" can be considered unique. Whitley was already a well-known writer when was his first contact with the aliens. It happened in the Christmas holidays in 1985 in upstate new York. Wheatley went to sleep in his bedroom and was awakened by the howling alarm. He immediately rushed to save the house from a burglar, and was shocked when saw a strange beings that took him on a mysterious ship, where ruthlessly experimented on him. He remembers the long needles that were injected directly into his brain, and strange voices. After tonight, Whitley will never be the same. So far no one has been able to explain what happened to him.

6. Sergeant Charles Moody

Sergeant, U.S. air force Charles Moody was watching a meteor rain over the desert Alamogordo in new Mexico. About midnight he saw a glowing metal flying saucer descends to the ground. She somehow unnatural swayed and moved slowly in the direction of Charles. Fearing, Charles desperately tried to start the car, but he didn't budge. Suddenly the ship began to emit a high sound, and all the body of the Sergeant is numb. Mysterious apparatus was so close that he could see the hideous high figures staring right at him. When Charles awoke, it was around 3:00 in the morning. After a few days his whole body was covered with a rash.

7. Peter Khoury

In February 1988, Peter and his wife noticed strange lights in the night sky. To their surprise, the light just appeared and disappeared. And only six months later, in July, in memory of Peter began to appear the events, which he thought never happened. He remembered he woke up in the night from the fact that someone grabbed his ankle. Peter tried to move, but his body is completely numb. At the edges of his bed stood a tiny creature in robes. They repeated several times that he was not worried because it will be the same as last time. And then the stranger pulled a big needle and slowly began to guide her in the head Peter. Sounds not really realistic, but it is worth noting that Peter passed the test on the lie detector.

8. Ronnie Dawson

The driver of naftobaza Ronnie Dawson is constantly working in the night shift and runs on deserted rural roads of the County, Coleman, Texas. One of the clear nights, Ronnie was checking out my tank and while at high altitude, I saw flying over him a strange plane. Fearing for his life, he quickly went down and began to take off appeared in the sky pulsating orbs that quickly changed its shape. Since then, Ronnie constantly feels that someone or something was watching him.

9. Lily Oswald

Famous pianist Lily Oswald and her friend 15 Oct 1979, came on Board the UFO and passed a serious test. The details of their story only came out after a few sessions of hypnosis. The police report noted that the 55-year-old Lily and 25-year-old's Fonzie like Mechlin drove along the coastal road to Rio de Janeiro and saw the strange ships hovered over the ocean. According to Lily, when the water has been drained from them, they were like mushrooms. Then ahead of them was a large black object with a small dome on top. 's Fonzie like, who was driving, lost control of the vehicle. He frantically began to zigzag on the road, and a door in it opened and closed by themselves. Suddenly the nightmare was over. Shocked, they stopped at a roadside cafe for coffee and found that it was two hours later than they thought.

"We were in the black disk on the bottom, the car was inside a UFO, while we were there. Did they stick in my ear something up. Tubes were everywhere, they pulled my hair. They are like the rats, about how awful it is! They have a huge horrible rat ears, mouths like slits, and their gray skin was sticky. They touched me with his thin arms. There were five of them, and they spoke without words", is a pianist gasped with horror when told about their experiences during the hypnosis session, and added that he's Fonzie like seen lying unconscious on the table, and the aliens took her a strange glowing beam that smelled like sulfur.

10. Amy Ryland

In this story of 22-year-old Amy was kidnapped right out of the window of his living room. Keith, the husband of Amy already went to bed, and her friend Peter was reading a book in the other room. Peter jumped up from the blinding light in the living room and the sound of broken glass. A bright beam of light shone into the room and, according to the testimony of Petra, Amy is sleeping someone pulls out the window. Peter woke up the whale, and they searched the house and its surroundings, but found nothing. In the end, Keith called the police.


People often laugh when I hear such incredible stories. However, the abduction of people who are treated as lab rats continue to occur. And who knows... Maybe you were kidnapped too, and don't even know it...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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