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Mysterious Northern lights: magnetic storm caused a colorful phenomenon in the night sky over Russia and Belarus

Added Mon, 24/04/2023
Дата публикации
Mon, 24/04/2023

Northern Lights: a natural phenomenon caused by a magnetic storm

On the night of April 24, residents of several Russian regions were able to see a rare natural phenomenon – the Northern lights. This beautiful and mysterious phenomenon was observed in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Tver, Vologda, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities located up to 53 degrees north latitude.

The Northern Lights occur when charged particles of solar plasma collide with the upper layers of the atmosphere. Near the magnetic poles, atoms and molecules of gases are excited, as a result, we can observe their radiation.

The reason for the appearance of the northern lights was a powerful magnetic storm caused by the release of solar mass to the Earth. The level of disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field in the last 24 hours has reached the level of G4, which is a very high indicator. The Northern Lights can occur even in tropical latitudes with storms of such strength.

Residents of the regions where the Northern lights were observed managed to capture this unusual phenomenon in photos and videos. Social networks were filled with beautiful and exciting shots of the Aurora borealis.

The Northern Lights are not only beautiful, but also a scientifically and practically important phenomenon. It allows scientists to study the state of the upper atmosphere and the Earth's magnetic field, as well as predict the possible consequences of magnetic storms for technical systems and electronics.

Expert opinion: the Northern Lights is a unique and mysterious phenomenon that attracts the attention of people from all over the world. Watching him is not only beautiful, but also scientifically and practically useful. Magnetic storms and the northern lights can affect the operation of technical systems and electronics, so the study of this phenomenon is an important task for modern science.

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