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Ka' dario

Ка’ Дарио
Mystic places in region
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Palazzo Dario (Ka’ Dario) on the Grand Canal in Dorsoduro is difficult to confuse: exotic mosaics, unusual Renaissance facade, chimneys - the palazzo somehow does not fit into a number of buildings around.

Built in 1487 for Giovanni Dario, the building remained in the ownership of his descendants until the XIX century. No scary stories accompanied the construction of the palazzo, but the troubles began immediately after the rightful owner crossed the threshold of the house. The events around the palace even formed the basis of the novel of the same name by Petra Reske.

The daughter of Giovanni Dario committed suicide, a little later the son of Giovanni Vincenzo was killed. In the twentieth century, the palazzo was owned by different people, and each new owner was haunted by troubles: the car accident of tenor Mario Del Monaco in 1964, the murder of Count del Lanze in the 70s, the strange death of the manager of The Who group Christopher Lambert (he committed suicide by breaking his neck on the stairs), the list can go on for a long time.

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Our impressions after visiting the place

Mysterious Venice

This article describes the impressions left after visit of one of the most amazing and mysterious cities in Italy.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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