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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy

Anomalous zone

Added Tue, 04/10/2016
Область распространения All over the world
Характерные признаки

In the usual sense, the term "Anomalous zone" refers to an area with physical characteristics deviating from the norm, where the observed phenomena go beyond the concept of "norm".

Thus , the following definition of this term can be given:

An "anomalous zone" is a geographically fixed place having a different, but fixed in each individual case, area in which there is a regular manifestation of one or more phenomena. 

The concept of an anomalous zone should be distinguished from the place of the incident of the fact. The place of occurrence of a fact is a geographically fixed place that has specific coordinates of observation or manifestation of a phenomenon, while the phenomenon manifests itself once.

That is, if a UFO was observed once in some place, then this is the scene of the fact, and if observations occur regularly, then this is already an "anomalous zone".

Having analyzed the stories of eyewitnesses of phenomena around the world over the past 50 years, their frequency, regularity, location and content, we have obtained a certain classification that can be used for the convenience of designation and statistics, as well as for the development of research methods.


It is possible to classify abnormal zones according to various signs:

  • according to the emerging phenomenon;
  • on the effects on living organisms;
  • on the impact on technology;
  • according to the frequency of manifestation of the phenomenon;
  • in connection with the subject;
  • by area of distribution;
  • according to the degree of activity.

Let's look at each type of classification in more detail.

according to the emerging phenomenon: 

  • the appearance of unidentified objects;
  • the appearance of unknown creatures;
  • the appearance of unknown entities;
  • changes in the flow of time or the curvature of space;
  • manifestation of strange physical processes;
  • the appearance of various sound and visual phenomena from an unknown source.

on the effects on living organisms: 

  • has no effect;
  • causes reversible physiological changes in a living organism during the stay in the abnormal zone;
  • causes irreversible physiological changes in a living organism;
  • has an effect on the psychological state of a person or animal;
  • it has a sharply negative impact on human or animal health until death.

on the impact on technology: 

  • does not fail the impact;
  • manifestation of an anomaly through technical devices;
  • has a reversible effect on the operation of technical devices;
  • it has an irreversible effect on the operation of technical devices.

according to the frequency of manifestation of the phenomenon: 

  • manifests itself constantly;
  • manifests itself frequently (at least 20 times a year);
  • it appears rarely (less than 20 times a year);
  • it manifests itself on a calendar (on certain days or hours).

in connection with the subject: 

  • the manifestation of the phenomenon is associated with a specific object located in the anomalous zone;
  • the manifestation of the phenomenon is associated with a specific object that is not in the anomalous zone;
  • the manifestation of the phenomenon is not related to a specific subject.

by area of distribution: 

  • it appears on the same geographical coordinates;
  • manifests itself in a fixed room;
  • it manifests itself in a small fixed area (clearing, etc.);
  • it manifests itself on a vast territory.

according to the degree of activity: 

  • active (phenomena are regularly observed to the present);
  • sleeping (phenomena were regularly observed earlier, but there is no modern evidence).

This is a preliminary classification of anomalous zones. It may not be complete or require correction as information becomes available during the investigation of unexplained facts in the "anomalous zone", or the study of the phenomena themselves, because of which this place is considered anomalous.

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In the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic, the so-called places where constantly something fancy, imagining and happen strange events: people lost the way, he stopped the wagon, was raspagliosi horses, etc.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Oeka from Finnish mythology (from Fins Mana, the Estonians Toonela, Tooni).

According to popular beliefs, Manala separated the land of the dead from the land of the living. This river flowed in a deep gorge. Its waters were a rapid stream of swords and spears. A thread-bridge led through Manala, and on the other bank a monstrous guard with iron teeth and three dogs was waiting for the deceased. Immersion in the waters of Manala meant final death.

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