Added | Mon, 09/01/2017 |
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Besides the legends relating to the creation, the environment, or storing of a work of art, there are stories that are rooted in misconceptions. In this article I want to examine some of them.
The difficulties of translation, or a mistake in replication
One of the most common sources of mystical tales are errors in translation or replication. Often one extra point or hook at the letters change the meaning of written, which is not rarely leads to a chain of other errors and the appearance of mystical stories.
A vivid example is the "horned Moses". On the statue of Michelangelo, the prophet is depicted with horns due to an incorrect translation of the Vulgate of a few lines of the biblical book "Exodus".
Michelangelo. Moses, San Pietro in Vincoli (Rome)
The Hebrew text says that the Israelites had a hard look in the face of Moses קרן אור פניו כי (Ki Karan'or PNAs). However, the word "Karnaim" (קרניים) in Hebrew has several meanings (similar to, for example, the Russian word "key" also has many meanings). And in Hebrew it can be translated, including, and as "horns" or "rays". In this particular case, knowing that the word "Ohr" (אור) in Hebrew means "light", the phrase "karnei Ohr" (אור קרני) can be translated unambiguously as "rays of light". Therefore, the phrase כי קרן אור פניו can be translated as "because they radiated the light of his face". Not "because cattle was his face", or "because I was pricked by the horns of his face".
Technical features for the image
One example, when the technique used by sculptors, has been mistaken for something mystical - image of the ancient Egyptian and Greek statues.
Hands and feet are one of the most time-consuming parts of the entire statue. To facilitate his work, the sculptor was able to portray the hand, close to the body or brush, compressed in a fist, but sometimes it was contrary to the original idea.
Apollo Belvedere, CA. 330-320 BC Museum Clementino (Vatican city)
The sculpture of the Egyptian hall. Museum Clementino (Vatican City)
Due to the fact that the creation of the fingers of the statue is a time-consuming and laborious process, with often something placed - bow, scroll, etc., as the workpiece was positioned the rest of the marble in the form of a cylinder. Sometimes, for various reasons, he stayed.
These features sculptures led to the formation of the legends of the "cylinders of the Pharaoh", communications of the pharaohs with aliens and the like.
Drawing styles
At different times, there was not only the generally accepted norms of subjects for drawing pictures and icons, but also the technology of the image.
Often the machinery and misunderstood ideas transmitted through certain symbols characteristic of representations of the time of writing the work, give rise to legends about the appearance of flying saucers in ancient times, contacts with aliens and other worlds, as well as the existence along with normal people of different strange creatures.
As an illustration of this point can result in the tapestry of Bayeux, which depicts Halley's comet.
Tapestry. Halley's comet, 1066
This example is quite ordinary (people's reactions, we do not consider) natural phenomenon like a comet, depicted in the form of an object, similar to a modern satellite or even a spaceship.
Of course, the above examples do not explain everything, and works great there is still a lot of mysteries and depict mysteries that have yet to unravel.
Features fine art from different time and image in the paintings of different NOF is a separate article on our website.
If you have any interesting information on this subject, personal reflections, examples or just photos of such works of art, write in the comments.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
One of the most common sources of mystical stories are errors in translation or replication. A striking example is the "horned Moses". On Michelangelo's statue, the prophet is depicted with horns due to an incorrect translation by the Vulgate of several lines of the biblical book "Exodus". The Hebrew text says that it was difficult for the Israelites to look into the face of Moses, כי קרן אור פניו (ki karan or pnav). However, the word "karnayim" (קרניים) has several meanings in Hebrew - both as "horns" and as "rays". Therefore, the phrase כי קרן אור פניו can be translated as "because his face radiated light," and not "because his face was horned," or "because his face was pricked with horns."
One of the examples when the technique used by sculptors was taken for something mystical is the image of the hands of ancient Egyptian and Greek statues. The arms and legs are among the most labor-intensive parts of the entire statue. To make his work easier, the sculptor could depict a hand pressed to the torso, or a hand clenched into a fist, but sometimes this contradicted the original idea. Due to the fact that the creation of the fingers of the statue is a rather laborious and painstaking process, while they often had something placed in them - a bow, a scroll, etc., as a blank, the rest of the marble in the form of a cylinder was located in them. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, he stayed there. These features of the sculptures led to the formation of legends about the "Pharaoh's cylinders", the connection of the pharaohs with aliens and the like.
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