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This section contains articles on phenomena or versions that may be interesting or useful to researchers of the unexplained facts in one way or another.

Video "Oliver's Castle"

The phenomenon of the appearance of "circles on the field" (also called agroglyphs or formations) especially attracted public attention in the 1970s and 1980s, when they began to be discovered in large numbers in the south of Great Britain. There are various hypotheses about the origin of circles: from rational ones (circles are the work of man) to alternative ones (microsurches, ball lightning, works of aliens and others).

The first documented case of human creation of such drawings dates back to 1978, when Doug Bauer and Dave Chorley admitted to creating many drawings. They were two friends who created circles for the sake of a joke. Even the shape in the form of a circle they chose because of the shape of a classic flying saucer ("And what other trace should it leave when landing?").

Now agroglyphs are created by special teams, often under the order of some company for advertising. Now, for example, one of the groups, called Circlemakers, is widely known, which in 2007 came out of the shadows and began to create custom circles. Nevertheless, for many years before that, they kept their work in the strictest secrecy, covering their own "circles" on their website as something mysterious.

Collection of crop circles created by artists

Despite the fact that many people consider the phenomenon of the appearance of circles (and other drawings) on the field to be the work of aliens trying to leave us a message, the main version of the origin of these complex formations is the work of artists.

Such teams often themselves fuel interest in circles in various ways. It is also often done by reporters or even researchers themselves. The most famous of these methods is the famous video "Oliver's Castle video", which not only stirred up the public at one time and spurred interest in agroglyphs, but also inflames heated discussions to this day.

We are talking about a drawing on a field that was discovered near Oliver's Castle, near Devizes, Wiltshire, on August 11, 1996. More precisely, about the video, which captures the process of its appearance (although it is sometimes written about the video itself that it was made in 1989): 2 flying spheres that almost instantly draw a formation on the field.

This video quickly spread among researchers circles, ufologists, and then on the Internet. It also appears in the documentary "Crop Circles: Is It Real?" (Is It Real Crop Circles, Part 5), released by the National Geographic Channel in 2002.

Where did this video material come from? The network usually mentions a certain guy who mysteriously appeared and then quickly disappeared after the video was distributed. As it turned out later, it was John Wabe (John Wabe, co-owner of a video special effects studio called "First Cut" in Bristol, England).

The story is quite complicated and interesting, so we will tell you about everything in order.

Next, we will give fragments (the full one can be read at the link in the sources) of the "first-hand report" by Peter R. Sorensen (originally written in the spring of 1997 - edited in March 1999):

After some time, Peter Sorenson and Lee Winterson, in collaboration with Nippon (Japanese) Television, went to the post-production studio of First Cut, in an attempt to find out the alleged creator of this video. It was found out that the same car with the same license plates appeared there, in which he arrived John Whaley.

Lee and his business partner John Hackvale from AVP Studios took a video camera under the pretext of "object inspection". There they took a framed photo on the wall inside the office. This photo is actually John Wabe, but he was guessed to be John Whaley, who showed the world a mysterious recording.

After this adventure, John Lomas asked John Weib to confess his involvement. After that, John contacted him by phone, saying that he had participated in the creation of this video, but could not give further comments due to an exclusive contract with the DISCOVERY CHANNEL broadcasting company (USA). He made it clear that he would like it all to "just go away." He doesn't hide the fact that it's a lie.

In more modern publications, they write that the creator of the video confessed to cheating in an interview, and a criminal case was even initiated against him.

They even indicate that there are recordings of an advertising tape released by Weib. Two versions of the events were filmed by him and his studio. The first one highlights the original story, and the second one is the recognition and how they did it and why.

Thus, the recording is now considered a proven hoax. The article cannot be considered finished at the moment, since we have not yet found the interview with Weib and these videos. If you have links to any of these materials, write them in the comments.

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