ID | #1522407868 |
Added | Fri, 30/03/2018 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Result
Resume |
Initial data
On 6 April 1966 in the Australian suburb of Westall hundreds of students, staff and local residents watched the strange object. UFO floating above their heads for several minutes, landed briefly, then rose into the air and disappeared. Witnesses described it as low flying, silver-grey and shining, similar to the "inverted saucer", and at the same time in the sky had five small planes.
A lot of excited and startled students ran out of school and ran in the direction where the object had landed shortly before. Many said later that they saw a round mark in the grass at the landing site. Others saw men in uniform around this landing site, where they removed the soil samples, which were then transported by truck.
This incident was reported in the news that evening and there were publications and in local Newspapers. The Director of the school said pupils and staff that they haven't told anyone about the incident.
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Original news
Den 6. april 1966 i den australske forstad til Westall, iagttog hundredvis af studerende, medarbejdere og lokale beboere et mærkeligt objekt, en UFO, som svævede over hovedet på dem i flere minutter, det landede kortvarigt, hvorefter det steg op i luften og forsvandt. Vidner beskrev det som lavt flyvende, sølvgråt og skinnende, det var formet som en ‘kop vendt på hovedet på en underkop’ og samtidig var der fem mindre fly i luftrummet.
En masse ophidsede og forundrede elever strømmede ud af skolen og løb i den retning hvor objektet var landet kort før. Mange fortalte senere at de havde set se en rundkreds af fladt græs på jorden, hvor objektet var landet. Andre observerede mænd i uniformer rundt om det afspærrede landingsområde hvor de fjernede jordprøver som blev kørt væk i lastbiler. Nogle sagde, de så uniformerede mænd afbrænde området et par dage senere.
Hændelsen blev rapporteret i tv-nyhederne samme aften, og i de lokale aviser. Men på trods af alle beviser, og de mange øjenvidner på Westall High School, kaldte rektor skolen til samling dagen efter. Her fortalte han de studerende og ansatte, at de ikke havde set en flyvende tallerken, faktisk havde de ikke set noget som helst. Og de måtte ikke omtale hændelsen til nogen.
Some 50 years ago, more than 200 elementary and high school students, staff and local residents reportedly witnessed what they described as a silver flying object that touched down in a nearby open field. The two schools in the vicinity were already in the midst of their school day, with some kids out playing for recess. They reported an object that touched down in a field called the Grange, now a nature reserve. Allegedly, it eventually took off and pursued a course northwest. As fleeting and bizarre as the encounter may have been, the mass of witnesses gave some disturbing credence to the story. So much so that the local paper The Dandenong Journal ran it as front page news for 2 weeks in a row.
To this day, eye witnesses swear that they were told not to speak to press or anyone. Some allege that the local police force, military and air force were all called in to investigate the scene and remove any evidence by razing to the ground of the landing site. In defiance of the no-press decree, science teacher Andrew Greenwood detailed his account of the incident in the local paper, saying he saw a silvery disc touch down and then take off. This was mostly in line with what the dozens upon dozens of other eye witnesses claimed they saw.
Airplane / Helicopter
An aircraft heavier than air for flights in the atmosphere (and outer space (e.g. An orbital aircraft)), using the aerodynamic lift of a glider to keep itself in the air (when flying within the atmosphere) and the thrust of a power (propulsion) installation for maneuvering and compensating for the loss of total mechanical energy to drag.
A rotorcraft in which the lift and thrust required for flight are created by one or more main rotors powered by an engine or several engines. They differ in maneuverability, the ability to hover and almost vertical takeoff.
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Voskhod Payload: Kosmos 114 (Zenit-4 #17)
A group of researchers of the Australian Skeptics, has existed since 1980, suggested that military aviation air force practise towed by a plane.
This case is usually associated with a photographtaken a few days earlier.
The explanation found on the site (link in source):
Although Federal and state authorities declined to comment on the incident at the time, government documents, unearthed in 2014, provide an explanation for the observation.
The documents were disclosed secret project radiation testing known as HIBAL program - joint us-Australian initiative to monitor atmospheric radiation levels using large silver balloons equipped with sensors in the period from 1960 to 1969.
Each balloon was equipped with a capacity of 180 kg, followed by a light aircraft, which was tasked to monitor it and run it 12-foot parachute with radio signals.
Researcher Kate Basterfield said that the exams for the documents stored in the National archives and former Department of supply indicate that a mysterious flying object might have been a test balloon that strayed off course after its launch from Mildura (balloon under the number 292 was launched by day even earlier from the events described, but strayed off course and was lost).
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