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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. Russia

ID #1560517444
Added Fri, 14/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Kemerovskaya oblast

The legendary Yeti has once again appeared on a video posted on Youtube (currently not available for viewing). This time the creature was filmed in the Kemerovo region, in the south of Siberia, in Russia.

This happened in February 2013. At this time of year, the Siberian landscape is still covered with snow. It was in these conditions that our people discovered impressive footprints on the ground. Curiously, they followed them to find out where they could lead.

All this time Evgeny Anisimov, a 12-year-old boy, was filming. So a little further on, a small group came face to face with a Yeti child, as well as one of his parents.


The Snowman appeared to the children. Schoolchildren from the village of Russian-Ursky (Kemerovo region) filmed huge footprints in the snow and the creature that left them on a mobile phone camera. Experts of the international Center of Hominology carefully studied the video and came to the conclusion that the guys saw a bigfoot. The video was the first video evidence of the existence of the Yeti, filmed in Russia.

The meeting with the snowman took place near the village of Russian-Ursky Leninsk-Kuznetsky district at the end of January 2013. Schoolboy Evgeny Anisimov and his friends, teenagers 10-12 years old, noticed huge fresh footprints in the snow. The guys decided to see who left such unusual prints and followed the trail. Evgeny turned on the camera on his cell phone and filmed everything that was happening. A chain of prints led the students to a ravine, behind which they saw a large furry creature with long arms among the trees, which, having discovered the surveillance, turned around and darted into the windfall.

The father of one of the eyewitnesses sent a sensational video to the International Center of Hominology (Moscow). According to the director of the center Igor Burtsev, who has been studying the phenomenon of bigfoot for many years, after a thorough analysis of the video, the center's specialists came to the conclusion that it was not a fake.

"When watching the video, our experts left no doubt that it was the "snowman" that was filmed, it was evident from the elongated, at first freely hanging hands, later reaching almost to the ground when running, and from his posture, reaction, and movements - everything says that the shooting is valid!", - says Burtsev.

According to the scientist, this video will put an end to the discussion of whether there really is a bigfoot in Kuzbass or not.

"Despite the insinuations of opponents, including foreign ones (for example, the recent unsubstantiated speech by the London newspaper The Sun), the existence of mysterious inhabitants in the Kemerovo region — "snowmen", or yeti - is confirmed by an increasing number of visual evidence, and in particular - the first in the history of Russia quite clear video footage of one of these creatures."

The first reports of a meeting with a snowman in Kuzbass appeared in 2005. In the area of the Spassky Meadows, a local resident saw a large shaggy creature. Then, in the same place, evidence of hominid life was repeatedly found: intertwined branches, footprints and broken branches. Most often, bigfoots and traces of their stay are found in the Mountain Shoria. In 2012, photos of the yeti were taken by a young zoologist Oksana Zhukova, who saw a humanoid creature in the snow in the Jurga area from afar.

Original news

Le légendaire Yéti vient une nouvelle fois de faire son apparition sur une vidéo publiée sur Youtube. La créature a, cette fois-ci, été filmée dans la région de Kemerovo, en Sibérie Méridionale, en Russie …

La scène se serait passée au mois de février 2013. A cette époque de l’année, le paysage sibérien est encore couvert de neige. C’est dans ces conditions que nos marcheurs ont découvert d’impressionnantes traces de pas au sol. Curieux, ils les suivirent pour savoir où elles pouvaient mener.

Pendant tout ce temps-là, Yevgeny Anisimov, un jeune garçon de 12 ans, filmait jusqu’à la rencontre finale.

C’est donc un peu plus loin que le petit groupe tomba nez-à-nez avec un bébé Yéti accompagné de l’un de ses parents.

Le docteur Igor Burtsev, l’un des principaux promoteurs de l'abominable homme des neiges en Russie, croit (avec raison ?) que le film est parfaitement authentique et qu'il révèle un adulte portant, dans ses bras, sa progéniture.



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

At 2:43, the "gluing" of the video is clearly visible (apparently the recording was paused), after which a creature appears in an empty place right in the center of the frame. This suggests a practical joke.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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