Initial data
Engineers Yu and V. BURDAKOV "ON the TRAIL of a LEGEND"
In early March 1957 in one of the astronomical Observatory of the Soviet Union received a letter.
"Dear comrade Mikhailov!
I happened to live in the Kuban region, in giaginskaya's village. My master, his wife and children moved from Stavropol province. He works as a shepherd. He once told us her daughter an interesting case. It this case, said father, who would now be 104 years old and who was not an eyewitness to this event.
Once in one village of the Stavropol province came an unusual device. From it came three men with dark skin. They were breathing heavily, something was showing signs and soon died, as he could not breathe the air. The subject on which they descended, quickly pilfered by the locals.
When my daughter asked me: "what do you think - is it fiction or not?" he replied evasively: "Who knows?" But he is in fact convinced that these people were from another planet. "Not from Mars are you?" - we thought with her daughter. We were struck by the fact that they died not from wounds or shock, and suffocated. If You do not complicate, I ask You to answer.
Maslennikova Olga".
The content of the letter was very mysterious and vague.
Here is the answer.
"Dear Olga!
You write in your letter about Your hearing the story of the who arrived from some unknown people who allegedly died. because I couldn't breathe, and You're doing based on this assumption, "not from Mars, do they?". Of course, from Mars to us is still nothing came. And if such an arrival was performed, it was seen in many places, not only in Stavropol.
As for Your hearing of the story, it is difficult to say when it was and it was something like that. Maybe it was a balloon, which often flew in the last century?
It is possible that the balloonists were killed. But it is so vague and has, in fact, no authentic what to say something not clear.
23/III-57 city".
It would seem that everything is clear. He made a landing balloon, which was not uncommon in the mid-nineteenth century (it was at this time, obviously, are the events described in the letter), and all the rest is fantasy and fiction. A letter and copy of answer to it remains in the archive, and in 1960 they accidentally caught the eye of one of us.
We also adhered to the belief that almost the entire story or most of it is fiction, but decided to check some facts as the date of writing the letter was a little - only three years. Did the legend not eligible for the study? Many of them were carefully examined, and not by accident. After all, the legend brought scientists-metallurgists at the opening of the Damascus steel, and another legend has enabled archaeologists to find ancient Greek city of Troy. Let us also remember the legend of the vanished continent of Atlantis. Because it is the cause of many searches the traces of this long-vanished country. The mystery of the Tunguska meteorite, and the assertion. that the Earth in the distant past been visited by intelligent inhabitants of other worlds, is also the legend, but only developed in accordance with modern technical and scientific thought.
We wrote to the author of the letters to Olga Maslennikova - to clarify some facts. But she was already dead. We were told the daughter of Olga, the second listener of the story the old shepherd. She wrote, inter alia, the following:
"After receiving Your letter, I immediately wrote a letter to our old master - shepherd. I was hoping I he will quickly answer, but wrong in their expectations. Letters reply yet. But before he had the conversation with Olga Vasilievna. Who knows, maybe with him something happened, maybe they moved... Without him or find out where your issue will be difficult. And here's why: he is a native of Stavropol, if not mistaken, from the village of Otradnaya (somewhere there was a landing of an unknown unit). During the collectivization of the entire population of the village Otradnaya moved to the Adygei Autonomous region, in particular in the village Giaginskiy. Thus, Encouraging modern people hardly know the story. Just in case I inform You the address of the shepherd: the Krasnodar territory, Adygei Autonomous oblast, the village of Giaginskaya, street M. Gorkogo, d. 33. He was a member of the collective farm named after the red Army. His name - Karpenko Mitrofan Vasilevich. The farm will be able to give information about him or his wife Anna Andreevna..."
After this response, we began looking Mitrofan V. Karpenko. And now a few months later we received a letter from him in which he writes:
"Of course, it was a long time ago. I was a teenager and loved listening to the stories of the elders, and my father loved to tell. The father was born in 1861 in Poltava region Medgorodka County, in the village Hostivice, in the family of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. June 18, 1936, he was killed by the storm.
Was this story true or legend I don't know. In what year and where it happened - I don't remember though. maybe what my father said about it. In memory I only have that through some kind of celestial border flew some three, with the car, not in a balloon. Didn't mention the father in the story and the plane. The car was of an unknown design. The people were without clothes. Their body was completely covered with hair, and they lived only three days. Father said that it was difficult for them to breathe our air."
That's all we got. Of course, that's not enough to separate the real part of the story from fictional. Oral traditions of the people colorful and multifaceted. Often it happens that the repeated retelling of an event clothed in a poetic form and is replete with so many amazing details that sometimes it is unclear - has the event occurred actually, or we meet with someone's winged dream, clothed in the form of a true, albeit unusual story. The task of the researcher is to find the elements of reality which formed the basis of legends.
In the unraveling of this fascinating legend can help young readers of our magazine.
To No. 4 Utah in 1962, we introduced you to a strange legend about the mysterious dark-skinned people who supposedly came to Earth on a mysterious aircraft. The legend says that they died from lack of air. Guidance where and when it happened, no. Can we assume that in the last century in the territory or in the region of Poltava were really dark-skinned aliens?
We now, as promised, respond to emails from our readers, whom the legend was very interested.
All letters can be divided into three groups. In the first it is proposed to organize the search of the graves of a mysterious people and their remaining aircraft. Secondly, discuss the plausibility of the incident, and the author of one of the letters suggests the legend of the mysterious aliens direct confirmation of his hypothesis about the strange birdmen, which once existed in the highlands of the Caucasus and Himalayas (he thinks this hypothesis is supported and the legend of the "snow people" and finds in the Easter island). In the third group of letters readers talk about the various strange atmospheric phenomena, which, they suppose, can be associated with the arrival to earth of space vehicles of extraterrestrial inhabitants. Here, for instance, told the student Evgeny Nikitin his mother:
"Village Rogozina Kalinin region, it seems, 1924. Winter evening in the clear sky full of twinkling stars. Suddenly the street lit up for three seconds, and then he heard a noise like a huge shock receding bells, the air wavered".
"Maybe it was a victim of the trouble the spaceship?" - asks Nikitin.
No, Jack, this phenomenon is likely reminiscent of the fall of the car - the so-called large meteorites. Getting into the earth's atmosphere they are heated and brightly glowing fireball sweep across the sky, uttering a variety of sounds that may resemble a ringing bell.
However, some of the heavenly phenomena still not well understood and leave room for reflection.
People will soon fly to Mars, Venus, and then even further. Maybe the Earth will arrive or have arrived by intelligent beings from other worlds? To properly answer this question requires a lot of painstaking work of scientists. Note that many science-fiction writers and journalists, passionately discussing and arguing about it, far behind (even in his fantasies!) from the scientists.
Scientists hard to improve their means of astronomical and astrobiological research. This will undoubtedly clarify our understanding of the possibility and forms of intelligent life in space. Direct penetration into space to learn about life on Venus, Mars, and a maybe on other planets of the solar system.
Scientists of various specialties study, the most remarkable ancient monuments, variety of traditions and legends, fairy tales and ancient manuscripts, samples of paintings and customs of the ancients. It is important to establish who, how and under what circumstances he built this or that monument or left some kind of a memory of subsequent generations. Perhaps, over time, on other planets, not just Earth scientists will have to study the monuments of ancient civilizations (if they get there). Thus is born the new science of space archaeology.
On the Ground also have to deal with, it would seem, is simply impossible task. But the difficulties are not only natural (little documentary data, as in our legend), but also artificial. For example, the American scientist Robert wood produced the fake rock and other paintings allegedly left in ancient times by astronauts. Deception is inevitably revealed, but it is in vain spent the efforts of the researchers.
Scientists and engineers increasingly are exploring the probable course of technical ideas of the alleged cosmic civilizations. To detect the activity of intelligent beings can not only met with them. Here is an example. Professor Shklovsky, comparing the periods of revolution of the satellites of Mars, measured in our days and in the early twentieth century, suggested that these satellites are artificial. The period of circulation has become less possible to think that satellites are inhibited about the atmosphere of Mars. And if the artificial satellites, what are the method and the purpose of their launch? To distinguish natural phenomena from the phenomena due to the activity of intelligent beings, very difficult. At the same time learn to distinguish between them is necessary because direct encounter with intelligent beings in space is extremely unlikely.
As you can see, the situation is not so simple! But back again to our legend.
Now it is difficult to say for sure which event was the cause. But doubtless it was in view of witnesses out of the ordinary. However, people perestanovki legend claims that it was not the landing of the aircraft, dirigible, parachute or balloon. It was not and landing the rocket, as the legend says nothing about the characteristic signs of its flight and landing. In short, the legend tells about a very interesting phenomenon and therefore requires mandatory study. However, information about how to organize a special expedition, very little.
The traces, apparently, must be sought in the Stavropol region or in the region. It may happen that there or in neighbouring regions have preserved the names of some places having at least a remote connection with this event or remind him. First, you need to try to find people that either heard about the mysterious aliens, or at least about the legend. It will be interesting to dig into the archives of museums and libraries. All under the power of our young readers.
In any job it is important not to lose heart and be confident in their abilities. Because you will do big and important stuff, even if you can prove that the legend just made up.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
The airship
The aircraft lighter than air, which is a combination of the balloon with the mover (usually a screw with an electric motor or internal combustion engine) and the system of the orientation control (steering control), through which the airship can move in any direction regardless of the direction of air flow.
The shape of the airships are divided into:
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