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The Alien. Spain

ID #1604055614
Added Fri, 30/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.02.1978 05:45
Мединасели Soria

30-year-old Julio Fernandez and his dog Mus (English pointer), went on a hare hunt, but for some unknown reason, he chose the road leading in the opposite direction, to the northeast on the road of Barcelona in the direction of the province of Soria. 

At about 04:30, Julio stopped for coffee and anise at a roadside bar known as Hostal 113, near the highway on the outskirts of Algora. He was served by a strange waiter. He was tall and blond, wearing rubber gloves and a sort of wig(!)

During the 20-minute stop, no other customers entered the bar - unusual even for this time of night. In addition, there was a smell of pine, which Julio took over detergent. However, subsequent checks revealed that Hostal 113 was not open at the time, and none of the waiters matching Julio's description were working. 

At 05:45, Julio left the bar and half an hour later drove on, passing the medical Panels. Suddenly, he "realized" that he should be in a certain place 15 km further, and pressed the gas pedal. His conscious memory stopped there. 

Later, in a state of hypnotic regression, Julio recalled driving his car down the road when, for no reason at all, he suddenly braked. From that point on, the car seemed to act on its own, going in reverse, and then stopped, backing out onto a narrow dirt road that started to the right of the main road.

Then the engine stopped, the lights went out, and the radio stopped working. It was as if the electric current had been completely cut off: the new battery no longer charged, and the candles no longer sparkled properly. 

Moose growled, so Julio took his Winchester single-barrel semi-automatic shotgun out of the trunk as a precaution and loaded it with a maximum of five carts. 

It was then that he saw two quasi-human beings coming down the track, stopping just a meter and a half away. They were wearing seamless one-piece overalls in pastel green that reached to their feet and gave off a very faint light, without zippers or holes, and gathered at the waist. 

The coveralls were tight enough to show their muscles. No fibers, threads, or patterns were found on it. The material was smooth and did not rustle when moving. Pale yellow hoods left only their faces exposed, covering their heads and shoulders. Their hoods, like the five-fingered gloves, were made of a texture resembling the seam of satin, very thin and tight to the parts of the body. 

The men had extremely broad shoulders, powerful back muscles protruding behind a narrow waist, and they seemed athletic. Among the features that distinguished them from ordinary people were exceptionally long arms and hands, a large skull, and very large eyes. Julio felt a sense of peace envelop him.

When they addressed him, he first thought they were using speech, but later, realizing that their lips were not moving, he assumed they were communicating with him mentally. They asked him to calm down and follow them. Julio obeyed, taking the dog and the gun with him. 

The aliens walked with a stately, elegant, and rhythmic gait. Julio was then led to a huge ship that was hidden behind two hills at the bottom of a small valley, but hovered four meters above the ground. It was a stunning sight: the object was shaped like an inverted soup plate, a matte silver metallic color, it had a diameter of about 60 or 70 meters and a height of 15 to 20 meters.

Temporarily ignoring Julio, who stopped to view the spectacular sight, the passengers rushed forward, so he had to run to catch up. As he approached the center of the ship, Julio noticed that its surface was perfectly smooth, as if it had been sculpted as one, without rivets or details. 

At that moment, he smelled a strong smell of pine or perhaps ozone, a smell that is also felt on Board. Julio's gun and knife flew up into the ship. A smooth metal cylinder silently emerged from the center of the disk and stopped just above the ground. It was about four meters high and 2.5 meters in diameter. A sliding door opened in the wall of the descending cylinder, revealing a small compartment lit by a strange light that radiated from everywhere in an absolutely pure whiteness that Julio found quite disturbing.

Startled, he hesitated before entering the mine. The dog was so reluctant to follow its owner that Julio had to drag it inside. What was now an internal Elevator rose noiselessly, stopping at the entrance to the corridor from which the group had exited. Then there was another corridor with two metal doors about 2.5 meters high. 

These doors were exquisitely made, and he didn't see any hinges, handles, or latches on them. Overall, this place was the most aseptic from the clinical point of view, what you could imagine... it wasn't of the interior angles. The walls continued continuously with the ceiling and were connected by a gentle curve. Continuing along the circular passage, he suddenly came to a small staircase ... it didn't seem logical to him that people with the technology to keep a ship floating in zero gravity four meters above the ground would need a ladder to get from one level to another. 

The staircase was like a pool step, with a very shiny finish and a cylindrical railing. Semi-cylindrical steps were installed at intervals of about 40 cm. One of the creatures led the way, taking the steps in two strides with phenomenal agility. With some difficulty, carrying the dog under his right arm and carrying the rifle on his shoulder, Julio followed. He noticed that the railing was very cold. 

At the top of the stairs leading to the room through a circular opening was another man who, like the others, assured Julio that he had nothing to worry about. 

The "flight deck", as it turned out, was about 15 meters wide and five meters high. Interestingly, unlike Julio's boots and his dog's claws, the crew members ' footsteps made no noise on the floor. In the center of the cockpit was a kind of console. It looked like an electronic organ. 

It was about 2.5 m wide and had a transparent glass screen on metal supports. The control Desk itself stood on a circular platform of the same white material as the rest of the floor. 

Elsewhere on the cockpit were three other, smaller consoles, about a meter and a half wide, located around the perimeter of the room, facing strange high conical seats with a pointed part down. Also next to the surrounding wall was a large square panel of lead-gray color. and a rectangular table with a metallic blackish-blue tint. 

Around the dome, at intervals of about a meter and a half, were rectangular Windows made of something like smoky glass. Meanwhile, Moose was in the cockpit, sniffing around everything, including at least one of the aliens who reacted unexpectedly. 

When Julio called out to his dog, the sound of its name caused great surprise among the creatures. When asked where his hosts came from, Julio received a vague mental response, including the expression "three seven squared", including at least one of the aliens who reacted unexpectedly.

After that, the aliens said they wanted to examine his dog and take blood samples from it. Moose was carried to a rectangular table, and the blood from his paw was carefully extracted using a fairly normal syringe. 

The men then informed Julio that they wanted to examine him and placed him behind a screen on a rectangular table. After a few minutes, he was given to understand that this was all that was required of him. But in later memories, which proved harder to cure and which he clearly found very disturbing, Julio said numerous samples were taken from him, including blood, semen, urine, spinal fluid, synovia, saliva, stomach and intestinal juices. 

He believed that there were two women on Board at the time who looked like men. Julio politely ordered them to sit in one of the seats on the center console. Next to Julio sat one of the crew members, who, lifting the left armrest, deftly fingered several silver buttons. The seat began to rotate along the guide rail in the center console. 

Julio continued to sit next to the crewman, his dog and gun next to him. Suddenly there was a short, high-pitched whistle, which caused a commotion in the cockpit. The tallest of the three crew members quickly moved to one of the consoles, and all three studied the remote viewing displays in front of them. An image of an elderly man appeared on the screens. At this point, the crew members began to talk to each other, their telepathy with Julio interrupted. 

The man on the screen, who seemed to be the boss, spoke first, and then the others spoke to him. This language seemed harsh to Julio, who described it as a mix of German and Korean. They seemed to be spitting out words as they spoke, and some of the sounds were like coughing. They never modulated their speech; the words seemed to come from their stomachs, and seemed to be produced not by the vocal cords, but by the diaphragm, and from time to time they uttered a slight cry, as if they were suffocating.

The image disappeared from the viewing screen. Julio was back in telepathic communication with his masters. Restless activity ensued as crew members began frantically pressing buttons. The Central platform began to rotate counterclockwise and stopped as the control console approached what Julio took to be a"computer." There was another whistling sound, and Julio seemed to pass out. 

After another whistle, Julio woke up again. The crew members showed interest in Julio's gun and, passing it among themselves, asked him about its use. Julio, a heavy smoker, lit up. The men asked if they could take one cigarette to study, and placed it in the same cylinder. 

Soon Julio was escorted to the Elevator cylinder, the metal door lifted, and he returned to the street in bright sunlight. He trudged back to his car, where Moose, who had immediately jumped out of the cylinder, was waiting for him. 

The car's engine started, and he drove away without even looking at the disk. Among the interesting information transmitted telepathically to Julio by the ufonauts during and after his alleged abduction was that other, lower beings, less developed ethically, came here. 

These others, it was explained, are "engaged in research and programming" the minds of the people they have contacted or abducted. Julio Fernandez died in a car accident in 1992, coincidentally not far from where he claims to have been abducted.

Original news

POSSIBLE HOAX  Fraud per JPG / Anomalia group. 

Date: February 5 1978
Location: Near Medinaceli Soria Spain
Time: 0545A
Summary: 30-year old Julio Fernandez and his dog Mus an English Pointer were on their way to do some hare hunting but for some unaccountable reason he took a road that led in the opposite direction, heading north-eastwards along the Barcelona road towards the province of Soria. At about 0430A Julio stopped to drink coffee and anis at a wayside bar known as the Hostal 113, beside the highway on the outskirts of Algora. A strange waiter served. He was tall and fair, wearing rubber gloves and what looked like a wig. (!) During the 20-minute stop, no other customers came into the bar—unusual even for that time of night. Also, a smell of pine pervaded the establishment, which Julio assumed to be a detergent. Subsequent checks showed, however, that the Hostal 113 had not been open at the time and no one matching Julio’s description of the waiter worked there. At 0545A Julio left the bar and drove on, half an hour later passing Medicaneli. Suddenly he “knew” that he had to be at a certain location 15 km further on, and put his foot down on the accelerator. At this point his conscious recollection stopped. Later under hypnotic regression Julio remembered driving his car down the road when for no accountable reason he suddenly braked. From this point on the car seemed to act of its own accord, reversing, and then coming to a halt after having entered backwards a narrow dirt trail, which started at the right side of the main road.

Then the engine stopped, the lights went out and the radio cassette player ceased to work. It was as though the electrical current had been completely severed: the new battery no longer charged and the plugs no longer sparked properly. Mus growled, so as a precaution, Julio took his Winchester single barrel, semi automatic shotgun out of the boot and loaded it with its maximum of five carriages. It was then that he caught sight of two quasi human beings coming down the track, finally halting only one and a half meters from him. They wore seamless one-piece pastel green coveralls that reached to the feet and gave off a very faint luminosity with no zip fasteners nor openings and gathered at the waists. The overall was sufficiently tight fitting for their muscles to show. No fibers, no thread, and no designs were to be detected on it. The material was smooth and did not rustle when it moved. Pale yellow cowls or hoods, leaving only the face uncovered, covered their heads and shoulders. Their hoods, like their five fingered gloves were made of a texture resembling sating stitch, very fine and fitting the parts of the body closely. The men had extremely broad shoulders, with powerful dorsal muscles showing prominently, narrow waists, and they seemed athletic. Among features that set them apart from ordinary human beings were the exceptionally long arms and hands, large crania and very large eyes. Julio felt a sense of peace and calm envelop him. When they addressed him he at first thought they were using speech, but later, realizing that their lips did not move, he assumed they communicated mentally with him. They asked him to calm down and to follow them. Julio obeyed, taking along his dog and the gun. The aliens walked with a majestic, elegant and rhythmical gait. Julio was then led to a huge craft that had been concealed behind two hillocks in the bottom of a small valley, though hovering four meters above ground. It was an awesome sight. Shaped like an inverted soup plate, of a matt, silvery metallic color, it appeared to have a diameter of about 60 or 70 meters and a height of some 15 to 20 meters. Temporarily ignoring Julio, who had paused to take in the breathtaking sight, the occupants pressed ahead so that he had to run to catch up. Arriving underneath the central area of the craft, Julio noticed its completely smooth surface, as though molded in one piece, with no rivets or fittings. At this point he became aware of a powerful odor of pine, or possibly ozone, a smell also detectable on board. Julio’s gun and knife levitated upwards into the craft. A smooth metallic cylinder then emerged silently from the center of the disc, stopping just above the ground. It was about four meters in height and 2.5 meters in diameter. A door, sliding upwards, opened in the descended cylinder’s wall, revealing a small compartment lit by a strange light, coming from everywhere of an absolutely pure whiteness which Julio found thoroughly disturbing.

By now frightened, he hesitated before stepping through the door into the shaft. So reluctant was the dog to follow its master that Julio had to drag him in. What was now an interior elevator rose silently, stopping at an entrance to a corridor, where the party alighted. Further along was another corridor, with two metallic doors, about 2.5 meters high. These doors were finely fashioned, and he could see no hinges, handles, or latches on them. The whole appearance of the place was the most clinically aseptic that could be imagined…there were no internal angles. The walls were continuous with the ceiling, being joined by a gentle curve. Continuing along the circular passage, he suddenly came to a small ladder…it did not seem to him logical that people with a technology capable of keeping a craft floating weightless four meters off the ground should require a ladder in order to pass from one level to another. The ladder looked like the steps of a swimming pool, with a very shiny finish and a cylindrical handrail. The semi-cylindrical steps were set at intervals of about 40 cm. One of the beings led the way, scaling the steps in two jumps with phenomenal agility. With some difficulty, carrying the dog under his right arm and with the gun over his shoulder, Julio followed. He noticed that the railing felt exceptionally cold. At the top of the ladder, which led up to a room through a circular hole, was another individual who, like the others, assured Julio that he had nothing to worry about. The “flight deck” as it turned out to be, was about 15 meters wide and five meters high. Interestingly, unlike Julio’s shoes and the claws of his dog, the steps of the crewmembers made no noise on the floor. In the center of the flight deck stood a kind of console. It had some resemblance to an electronic organ. It was about 2.5m wide and, standing on it, set in metal footings was a transparent glass screen. The control table itself was standing upon a circular platform of the same white material as the rest of the floor. Elsewhere on the flight deck stood three other, smaller consoles, about one and a half meters wide, set around the circumference of the room, in front of which were strange, high, conical seats, with the pointed part towards the bottom. Also set close to the surrounding wall was a large square panel, leaden grayish in color, and a rectangular table of a metallic, blackish blue sheen. Set around the dome at intervals of about one and a half meters were rectangular windows made out of what appeared to be smoked glass. Meanwhile, Mus had been around the flight deck, sniffing at everything, including at least one of the aliens, who reacted in a surprise manner. When Julio called out to his dog, the sound of its name evoked great surprise among the entities. On asking where his hosts originated, Julio received an unintelligible mental response, including the expression “three seven, squared.”

After this the aliens indicated that they would like to examine his dog and take blood samples from him. Mus was carried to a rectangular table and blood from his paw was precisely, carefully extracted with a fairly normal looking syringe. The men then communicated to Julio that they wanted to examine him and placed him behind the screen on the rectangular table. After a few minutes he was given to understand that was all to be required of him. But in subsequent recollections—which proved harder to recover and which clearly he found very disturbing—Julio said that numerous samples had been extracted from him, including blood, semen, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, synovia, saliva, and gastric and intestinal juices. He believed that two women, similar facially to the men, were on board at the time. Politely ordered to sit on one of the seats at the central console, Julio did so. Next to Julio sat one of the crewmembers that, having raised the left armrest nimbly fingered several silvery buttons. The seat began to revolve along a track in the central console. Julio continued to sit beside the crewmember, his dog and gun at his side. Suddenly, a brief, piercing whistle was heard, producing a commotion on the flight deck. The tallest of the three crew members quickly headed toward one of the console units and all three studied the remote viewing screens in front of them. An image appeared on the screens of an older looking man. At this point the crew members began talking among themselves, their telepathy with Julio interrupted. The man on the screen, who seemed to be a superior, spoke first, and then the others conversed with him. The language sounded harsh to Julio, he described it as a mixture between German and Korean. They seemed to spit out the words as they were talking, and some of the sounds were like coughs. They never modulated their speech; the words seemed to come up out of their stomachs and did not seem to be produced by the vocal cords but to be thrown out by the diaphragm and from time to time they emitted a little cry as though they were choking.

The image disappeared from the viewing screen. Julio found himself back in telepathic communication with his hosts. Hectic activity ensued; as crewmembers started desperately pushing buttons. The central platform began to rotate anticlockwise, halting when the control console came in line with what Julio assumed was a “computer.” Another whistling sound could be heard, from which point Julio seems to have passed out. After another whistle Julio was awake again. The crewmembers showed interest in Julio’s gun and, passing it around among themselves, asked him about its use. A heavy smoker, Julio lit a cigarette. The men asked if they might take one away for study and deposited it into the same cylinder. Soon Julio was escorted to the lift cylinder, the metal door rose and he was back outside, in bright sunlight. He staggered back to his car, where Mus immediately bolting from the cylinder, awaited him. The car engine now worked, and he drove away without bothering to look back at the disc. Among the interesting items of information imparted telepathically to Julio by the ufonauts, both during and after his alleged abduction, was that other, shorter beings were coming here who were less evolved ethically. These others, it was explained, “are engaged in probing and programming” the minds of those humans whom they have contacted or kidnapped. Julio Fernandez was killed in a car crash in 1992, coincidentally near the site where he claimed to have been abducted.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of a Mystery and Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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