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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1612899562
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Куритиба -

A young man named Vanderlei, who lived in the local countryside, left his home for a few minutes and encountered a floating golden-colored metal sphere. The sphere was about 4 meters wide. 

His first reaction was to run back to his home. His next memory was of seeing the object rise and disappear in the distance. 

Years later, under conditions of hypnotic regression, the abduction scenario was confirmed. 

A bright beam of white light radiated from the object, which appeared to be "coherent" in nature. It engulfed Vanderlei, who at that moment was paralyzed and unable to move. He rose about 10 meters into the air and could clearly see the roof and treetops. A metal ball hovered in front of him. The object was surrounded by windows and had a doorway. 

A humanoid figure stood at the door. At a fast pace, Vanderlei swam into the object, inside the object was another humanoid that was standing behind Vanderlei. 

A few seconds later, the door opened in front of him. His feet didn't touch the ship's floor, and he felt very hot and sweaty. He floated through the door and followed down the corridor, followed by the two humanoids behind him. Until now, he hadn't been able to see the faces of his captors. 

At the end of the corridor was a room where he was sitting on a table. Around the table he could see strange machines and indescribable apparatuses; they were brown in color and surrounded the table. At that moment, he saw the creature's face. He wept and began to sweat, describing the humanoids as short, with disproportionately large heads compared to their bodies, with large black eyes and barely discernible mouths. They had four fingers each, looking rough and wet. 

He was examined by three humanoids. One of the creatures examined his left ear. A few minutes later, he was taken to a dark room, where he was lifted up to the ceiling, where he saw strange images. One of the images resembled a human face. 

When he returned to the same place where he had been taken, he felt cold.

Original news

Date: January 12, 1990
Location:  Curitiba, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: A young man named Vanderlei who lived in a local rural area stepped out of his home for a few minutes and was confronted by a hovering golden colored metallic sphere. The sphere was about 4 meters in width. His first reaction was to run back to his house. His next recollection was of seeing the object rising up and disappearing into the distance. Years later under hypnotic regression an abduction scenario was confirmed. A bright beam of white light that appeared to be “coherent” in nature was emitted from the object. It enveloped Vanderlei, which at this point was paralyzed and unable to move. He rose up about 10 meters into the air and was able to see the roof and treetops clearly. In front of him floated the metallic sphere. The object was encircled with windows and had a door like opening. At the door stood a humanoid figure. At a rapid pace Vanderlei floated into the object, inside the object there was another humanoid that stood behind Vanderlei. A few seconds later a door opened in front of him. His feet did not appear to touch the floor of the craft and he felt very hot and was perspiring. He floated through the door and followed a corridor accompanied by two humanoids behind him. Until that moment he had not been able to see the face of his captors. At the end of the corridor there was a room where he sat on a table. Around the table he could see strange machines and undescribed apparatuses; they were brown in color and encircled the table. At this point he saw the creature’s face. He cried and began to sweat as he described the humanoids as short, with disproportionately large heads according to their bodies, with large black eyes, and hardly discernible mouths. They had four fingers each that appeared to be rough and humid in appearance. He was examined by the three humanoids. One of the beings examined his left ear. Minutes later he was transported into a dark room where he was raised up towards the ceiling where he saw strange images. One of the images resembled a human face. Upon his return to the same site where he was picked up, he felt cold.
Source:  Jackson Camargo, GEPUC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

False memories

A person remembers an event, a fragment or a detail that did not actually happen.

They can be formed independently or under the influence of methods of memory recovery therapy (Recovered-memory therapy or RMT), such as regressive hypnosis, guided visualization, drug therapy for memory recovery, etc .In this case, there is an effect called imagination inflation.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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