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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Canada

ID #1622559058
Added Tue, 01/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.09.2003 02:30
Келоуна, BC

In the wee hours of the morning, the witness ' 12-year-old son woke her husband and herself, telling them that he had a nosebleed. They didn't think much about it, since the boy usually bleeds once a year, and it wasn't a heavy bleed, but rather a constant trickle. 

Then he went to their bed with them, and the witness suddenly fell asleep very quickly and immediately fell into a very vivid lucid dream. In the dream, her son and she were out of the house and ran to the other side to see a UFO in the sky. 

The UFO was not illuminated, it was a dark shadow in the night sky, huge and consisting of two parts connected to each other. They somehow "knew" that this was something to be afraid of, and hid in the deep shadow of the house when the UFO fell with very little noise and turned into a huge robot. who started walking around the countryside. 

They "knew" again that it had something to do with power, like electricity, and that they would have to use some power that they didn't want to use. In fact, they "knew" that if they used the power they bring, it would be a ruse eventually used to imprison them. 

They ran into the house, the phone was ringing, and they "knew" again that the energy company was calling them to get them to use this new power. For this reason, they did not answer the call. 

The house had a glass-enclosed room in which several people were sitting. These people were important to the witness, although they were not familiar to her. She ran into the room to warn them of what she had seen. 

One of them was a brown-haired woman about 20 years old, whom the witness recognized as his daughter (and not her real daughter). She also recognized her as her mother. She was crying, although the witness did not understand why. 

What is remarkable about her is that she was half human, half "android" or robot. At one point, the witness could see part of the skin on her back, and you could see that the skin was living tissue stretched over a metal frame. The skin was red and painful, like a burned scar. 

She was also pregnant and commented to the witness how she got into "animal control" (the witness couldn't quite remember the phrase, but it was like visiting a vet, not a doctor), where she was inseminated. . The father of her child was also there, and another mostly robotic human, similar to a human face, was vaccinated. 

He was a sympathetic figure and understood what the witness was telling him. There were other similar people in the room, but the witness didn't have a chance to talk to them. 

The dream briefly disappeared, and then the witness was on the street in the "district". A strong wind was blowing, and the witness "knew" that it was a question of terrestrial changes. 

She also "knew" that after the earth changes, aliens would come for us, and it would be terrible. The power company built a steel building that looked like the only thing that could withstand the wind. Everyone was crowding inside, and the witness "knew" it was a trap. She points out to the father of her daughter's child that the heavy stainless steel door only opens from the outside, and that if they let them go, they will all go to jail. Between them, they managed to keep the doors from closing. 

The dream continued with gloomy predictions for humanity and the coming earth changes; the collapse of society was approaching. The witness woke up at about 06: 00 with severe bleeding from the nose, stiff hands and feet, and complete physical exhaustion. 

Other family members reported strange scratches and marks on their bodies.

Original news

Date: September 3 2003
Location: Near Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Time: 0230A
Summary: During the wee hours of the morning the witness’s 12-year old son woke her husband and herself telling them that he had a nosebleed. They did not think much about it since the boy usually gets a bleed once a year and it was not a heavy bleed, but rather a persistent trickle. He then came to their bed with them and the witness suddenly went to sleep very rapidly and went immediately into an extremely vivid lucid dream. In the dream her son and her were outside of a house and they ran to the other side to see a UFO in the sky. The UFO was not lit, but rather a dark shadow in the night sky, huge and in two parts that were connected. They somehow “knew” that this was something to be afraid of and hid in the deep shadows of the house as the UFO came down with very little noise and transformed itself into a vast robot, which started walking across the countryside. Again they “knew” this had something to do with power, as in electrical power and that they would be forced to use some power they didn’t want to use. In fact they “knew” that if they used the power they were bringing it would be a trick ultimately used to imprison them. They ran inside the house and there the phone was ringing and they again “knew” it was the power company calling them to force them to use this new power. For this reason they did not answer the phone. There was a glassed in room in the house, which had a number of people seated in it. These people were important to the witness, although they were not familiar to her. She ran into the room to warn them of what she had seen. One of the people was a brown haired girl about 20 whom the witness recognized as her daughter (not her real life daughter). She also recognized her as her mother. She was crying, although the witness was not sure why. What was remarkable about her was that she was half human and half “android” or robotic. At one point the witness could see some of the skin on her back and you could see that the skin was living tissue stretched over a metallic frame. The skin was red and sore like burned scar tissue. She was also pregnant and made a comment to the witness about how she had been to “animal control” (the witness could not quite recall the phrase but it was like going to a veterinarian instead of a human doctor), where she had been impregnated. The father of her child was also there, another predominantly robotic person who looked like a human face had been grafted on. He was a sympathetic figure and he understood what the witness was telling him. There were others in the room that were similar but the witness did not have a chance to speak to them. The dream went blank for a bit and then the witness found herself outside in a “neighborhood”. There was a huge wind blowing and the witness “knew” that this was about earth’s changes. She also “knew” that after the earth changes the alien beings will come for us and that it would be terrible. The power company had set up a steel building that looked like the only thing that could withstand the wind. Everyone crowded inside and the witness “knew” that it was trap. She point out to the father of her daughter’s baby that the heave stainless steel door only opened from the outside, and that if they would let them go they would all be imprisoned. Between them they managed to keep the doors from closing. The dream went on with dire predictions for humanity and coming earth changes; a collapse of society was coming. The witness woke up around 0600A with a severe nosebleed, stiff arms and legs and total physical exhaustion. Other family members reported strange scratches and marks on their bodies.
Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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